Part 29

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THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1 K views!!! I can't believe it and i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far 🤧

a week later...

Kai's POV

I walked through my office, looking through my packed schedule.
"Do i have anything important to do today?" I asked my secretary.
"Not really Mr. Kim. All you have to do is to finish that report by the end of the week" She reminded.
"Thank you, Nayeon" I thanked her and arrived at my office. Nayeon closed my door and went back to her own desk.

I jumped on my couch and ruffled my hair. Ugh i have so much on my mind, i don't even know what to focus on.

"And if i cheated on you, what are you going to do about it? My answer to your question is yes"

I threw myself back up from the coach and started thinking again. There's no way she's saying the truth... If she didn't love me, she wouldn't have lost her virginity to me. But why would she lie to me? Why is she doing this?
"FUCK" I screamed. I grabbed a glass bottle of water and smashed it on the wall. It broke into pieces like how my heart did three years ago... and even now. People outside outside my office were whispering right after i threw the bottle and caused a loud noise.
"Boss are you alright?" Nayeon said, rushing through the doors. I nodded and just started breathing deeply, calming myself.
"Mr. Kim, do you need help? You don't look okay right now" Nayeon insisted.
"Just tell someone to clean the mess. I just have a lot of things to think about" I said, hitting my head softly.

She bowed and left the room quietly. I need to rest from everything, it's ruining my mental health. My eyes started giving up on me and i fell asleep...

Jennie's POV

Rosé texted me today to hangout. I was planning to tell her everything that happened with Jay and Irene unnie so she can share it later with the Jisoo and Lisa.

She wanted to meet at a restaurant that had famous desserts. Casual Rosé, always a food lover.

"Unnie, are you here yet?" She asked me through the phone call.
"Yeah i'm here, look around the restaurant"
"Raise your hand so i can see you" She said.
"Do you see me now?" I said, raising my tiny hand.
" I see you!! Haha your little arm is cute" Dhe said laughing through the mic.
"Yah you little-" I said before realizing she ended the call already.

Rosé ran towards me like a chipmunk would do. She always gives off a happy spirit, it makes me happy just to see her smile.
"Unnie!!!! How are you??" She asked as she seated herself across from me.
"I've been better" I chuckled a little.
"What's wrong?" She asked sincerely.
"I don't even know how to explain it. Let's go from the beginning... I went to the work party with Jay and guess who i met" I said.
"I don't know. I don't have any reasonable guesses" She answered.
"I met Kai" I said with my head slowly looking down.
"Oh my god... no way. What did you do then?? Did you say anything? Did you explain why you broke up with him?" She rushed me with all questions.
"Well, Jay knew he was there and set us up. He acted like he didn't remember Kai and brought him to our table. Then, Jay introduced me as his wife. I took a break from the awkwardness and went to the bathroom. When i was in there, a lady noticed that i cried so she asked me what's wrong. I didn't tell her anything since she was still a stranger but she told me she was the CEO of a company named Red velvet. Next, i was home with Jay and he tried kissing me. I rushed out the door and just started taking a walk. I know this might sound crazy but i met her again. She lives on top of the hill with her husband. Her name was Irene and she explained to me that Jay was her abusive ex. She even warned me to stay away from him. What should i do now?"

"Woah a lot of shit happened" rosé said. I nodded and started looking through the menu.
"What do you think i should do?" I asked desperately.
"Since you do have Irene as a victim for an abusive relationship, you can send him to jail" She insisted.
"I don't want to bring Irene into this. She told me that if Jay ever knew about her telling someone, he would kill her" I said.
"Oh shit then... um maybe you can record Jay threatening you. It counts as evidence and can send him to jail for some time" She explained.
"That's a good idea but what if he gets out and comes for us again?" I said with a raised eyebrow.
"Well... make his time in jail even longer" Rosé smirked while stirring her milkshake. I smirked back, knowing what she meant. As much as i don't want to do this, Jay deserves this shit.

Kai's POV

I woke up with droopy eyes.
"Aish, i need to get to work" I whispered to myself. Before i can do anything, i need some coffee. I walked out of my office and planned to go to the near by restaurant for some drinks.
"Mr. Kim, may i know where you are going? Or if there is anything you need me to do?"  Nayeon asked nicely.
"No i'm okay, Nayeon. I'm going to the near by restaurant for some coffee so i can focus for work" I explained. She just nodded and i proceeded to walk away.

I arrived at the restaurant and it was packed. There were a lot of people in a line and i just didn't have the patience to wait. Luckily, one of my friends work here.
"Hey hyunjin" I said with a smile.
"Oh my man! Do you need anything?" He asked.
"Yeah, can you get me a iced coffee?" I asked.
"Skipping the line huh? Busy is packing today. I'll get that for you, better leave me a tip too" He laughed silently.
"Fine i'll leave you a tip haha" I laughed with him.

I turned my back around to see everyone else in the restaurant. My eyes scanned through the room until i locked eyes with someone.


She was as shock as me. Both of us just stared at each other until she got up from her seat. I tilted my head to see who she was with and it was... Rosé?! I thought they weren't friends anymore, why are they hanging out with each other? I could tell she was telling Rosé she had to leave since she grabbed her phone and walked out the door. Without thinking about anything i chased right after her. I was pretty sure she can here me following her since she walked faster and faster each step. She was so distracted avoiding me, she didn't even realize it was red light.
"JENNIE, WATCH OUT!" I screamed. The car was getting closer to her and she stood there in shock. I ran in my full speed and pushed her out of the way, causing me to be hit by the car.

Next thing I knew, i blacked out...

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