Part 4

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It was 6:30 a.m in the morning, Kai woke up quickly and got dressed for another day at school. It was just yesterday when Jennie had her ankle injury so he was planning to go to school early and wait for her to arrival.

"Son, why did you wake up early? You usually wake up at 7 a.m" Kai's father said.

"Oh it's nothing father, i'm just planning to go to school a little bit earlier"  Kai replied while eating breakfast.

"That's my boy, you should focus on your studies more and when you grow older i'll let you take over my company"

"Thank you very much father, i will work very hard" Kai said.

After Kai had finished his breakfast, he headed out for school. Kai's family was well off so he obviously had a driver to drive him to school.

"Hanbin, i'm ready to go to school" Kai said.

"Yes master" Hanbin said. (driver)


"Have a nice day at school"Hanbin said while opening the car for Kai.

"Thank you for the drive man" Kai said.

Kai went to the school yard and stared at the gates. He was waiting for Jennie to arrive. While waiting he saw a new guy come through the gates, he seemed like another new student that just transferred.

'Where's Jennie? Why isn't she here even though class is about to start?' Kai thought in his head as he panicked.

*Two minutes later*

Jennie walked through the gates while still limping a little from her injury. Kai finally stop panicking and ran towards her.

"You're finally here"

"Yeah i guess, were you waiting for me?"

"Yes i was waiting for you"


"Because your injury is still healing"

"Actually, it got way better than yesterday"

"I'm glad to hear that"

Both of them walked to class while Kai holding Jennie's arm to help her balance. While walking to class, Jennie saw someone with a very familiar backside.

'It can't be him... stop overthinking Jennie it's not who you think it is. He wouldn't transfer here knowing that you attend this school too'
Jennie thought to herself while glaring at that guy.

(who is this guy?)

Kai saw Jennie zoning out and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Jennie said in a soft tone.

Kai thought it was maybe just because she was tired and had a look on her mind. Both of them sat next to each other for the first period. Jennie stopped herself from overthinking and was searching for her notebook in her backpack until...

"Class, we have another new student. Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mrs.Park said.

"Hello everyone! My name is Kim...Seo.. Jin. I hope we can get along together" He said in a childish voice.

Jennie froze. She couldn't believe it was him... She stared at Seojin and Seojin smirked at her when they made eye contact. She broke the interaction and started flipping through her notebook as she panicked.

"It's nice to have you here at Seoul High school, Kim Seojin" Mrs.Park said nicely.

"Pleasure is mine" Seojin said as he bowed.

"Your seat is right behind Kim Jennie. Also class, we have ten minutes until class starts" Mrs.Park said as she pointed to Jennie.

"Thanks" Seojin said.

He walked down to his seat and whispered, "It's nice to see you again Jennie, you thought you could escape me didn't you?"

"If you thought i transferred because of you then you though wrong" Jennie said back.

"Then why did you move my love?" Seojin said in a louder voice.

Kai heard this and gave Seojin a side glare. Seojin was too busy staring at Jennie that he didn't even notice. Kai was extremely jealous at this point and wanted to punch something but he controlled himself.

"I'm not your fucking girlfriend anymore so watch your damn words" Jennie said while trying to stay calm.

"Woah you weren't this tough when we were dating, i guess you really changed after i dumped you"  Seojin said.

"You cheated on me, our relationship was a joke from the start" Jennie said.

"I know you want me back" Seojin said and chuckled.

After hearing the whole conversation, Kai couldn't hold it in anymore. Kai glared at Seojin until he noticed him and wanted to fight him.

"Fuck you staring at?" Seojin said.

"I'm staring at an asshole" Kai said.

'What did he say? I never knew he would curse' Jennie thought.

"Watch your mouth kid" Seojin said as he slammed the table.

"Then watch your mouth with Jennie" Kai said.

"Why? Do you have a little crush on her? I'm her ex boyfriend and even if she doesn't want to admit it, she wants me back" Seojin yelled.

"You don't need to know if i have a crush on her or not, i'm saying to treat a girl right. Asshole" Kai said.

"Stop it both of you. Kai, i don't want you to be involved in my relationship with him"

Jennie grabbed Seojin's tie closer to her face and said, "Also Seojin, i don't have feelings for you anymore. Believe it or not but that's the truth, i moved on from your ass"  Then she pushed him away.


"Class, we should end today's class here. Also, don't forget you guys have dance class tomorrow for the field trip event so wear comfortable cloths and work hard! Have fun on your break time" Mrs. Park said.

Jennie grabbed her back pack and went straight out the door. Kai saw her heading out so he followed her without a second thought. Seojin saw them walk out together and was annoyed how close Kai was with Jennie.

"Are you okay? Was the new kid you ex?" Kai asked.

"yes he was and i'm meeting with Jisoo and her friends so you don't need to stick with me anymore" Jennie said.

"Oh...okay then i'll see you next class" Kai said.

"Hey Jennie!" Jisoo screamed.

"Oh hey Jisoo" Jennie said.

Kai watched Jennie and Jisoo walked towards each other and smirked. He was glad she had someone to company her at least. Afterwards, he went to meet up with his friends.

"Sehun let's play some basketball"

"Okay hyung"

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