Part 12

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(This part is long)

Jennie's POV

Kai had just dropped me off at my house and i waved my goodbyes before he took off. It's been a hectic day, and i'm just so tired. I flopped on my bed, still with my uniform on and started to think about what happened. "I should have never get Kai involved because if he really got in trouble then it would be my fault" I said to miserable self.

I grabbed my phone and called the girls. (Jisoo, Rosé, Lisa)
I waited for a while until they picked up in the group chat.
"Hey girls" i said.
"WHATS UP UNNIES" Lisa yelled through the phone. My ears started to hurt cause of her voice.
"Why are you so loud for?" Jisoo unnie said. "Jennie, why did you call? Did something go wrong?" Rosé said softly.
"Oh nothing much, i just wanted to talk" I lied and laughed.
"Do you guys want to go get food together?" Rosé excitedly asked.
I swear rosé always wants to eat food, but i don't blame or stop her since it's her choice and i'll support. "Sure i'm down" I said.
"OH yes i want food let's go" Lisa yelled again.
"i'm coming too then" Jisoo unnie said.
"Okay let's meet at King Pho then?" Rosé asked.
"Sure" all of us said.
I left the call and started to dress into another outfit. I couldn't decide if i wanted to cover myself or not. Actually, i'll just dress in all black since that's the color i mostly wear anyways.

Jennie's outfit :

Jennie's outfit :

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Kai's POV

I drove myself to my Suho hyung's house. I needed someone to talk to. When I arrived, i saw another guy sitting on the bench next my hyung. They were talking to each other but i was too far away to hear the conversation so i just casually walked up to them.
"Hey hyung" i said to Suho.
"Oh Kai! Why are you here? You need something?" He said.
"I just came to see if i can hangout but i guess you have company" I said looking at the guy sitting next to Suho.
"Wait, wait we can all hangout. Jay, this is Kai and Kai this is Jay. Kai is one of my bestfriends and Jay is my friend from my old school but he might come with us on the trip cause i invited him." Suho said.
"Hello Kai" Jay said as he stood up.
"Hello Jay" I said right after.
"Great now Jay do you mind staying here for a minute so i can talk to Kai? Suho said and patted Jays shoulder. Jay just nodded so i walked away with my hyung.
"Hey are you okay?" Suho asked me.
"Yeah" i answered shortly.
"Well i know you came for a reason so say it" He said. My hyung sure knows me well.
"Alright, i'm just hesitating whether if i should confess to Jennie. I can't keep being her fake boyfriend" I said.
"Oh cmon Kai, just do it okay? I don't want to keep seeing you suffer. I confessed to Jisoo and look at us now, we are finally dating. Girls want the guy to make the move first so what are you waiting for?" He lectured me.
"Okay okay i'll try" I said. We walked back to the bench where Jay was and decided to go find some good food to eat. We all decided to eat pho.

Jennie's POV

I just arrived at King Pho and i was still waiting for the girls to come. I guess i was came earlier than them. I flipped out my phone and started scrolling through Tiktok until i eavesdropped someone's conversation. The voice sounded so much like Suho and Kai's. I looked up in front of me to see if it was actually them but i saw no one. Maybe i was overthinking too much.
"BOO!" All of a sudden Lisa popped out of no where. It scared the shit out of me.
"Yah. You scared me" I said.
"Oh i'm sorry" She said back with her puppy eyes. I just laughed and hugged her tightly.
"I'm pretty sure the other girls are coming. Rosé just texted me that Jisoo unnie is driving her and they will come in like five minutes" She said.
"Okay then do you want to find a spot to sit first?" I said pointing to the entrance door of the restaurant.
"Sure sure unnie" She said. We went in and waited in line for a table, it was so loud that i could barely hear lisa. I guess business here is amazing.
"HEY UNNIE, I LIKE YOUR OUTFIT" Lisa said loudly so i could hear.
"OH THANKS" i said back. Then i heard the door open, it was Jisoo unnie and rosé. They looked cold from the wind outside. We just waved to each other since we couldn't hear each other. All of us huddled and tried making each other warm. After a quick ten minutes, we finally got a table. The waiter gave us each a menu and we glanced at it quickly.
"I would take the normal noodles and some spring rolls for all of us" I said to the waiter. He wrote down the rest of the girls orders and went straight to the kitchen.

Kai's POV

I looked at Jay while we sat down on our table at the Pho restaurant, i don't know why but he's giving me a very weird vibe. I guess i can't judge him though since i don't even know him except his name. He kept looking to the side where the other tables were but i couldn't see clearly who the person was, all i could see was their outfit was all black. Something finally caught his attention, it was the food. It was still steaming hot which made me want to eat it more.
"Let's eat up guys" Suho hyung said.
"Okay" Me and Jay said.
"Hyung, how can Jay join if he doesn't go to our school?" I asked.
"I asked the teacher if i can invite someone since Jay wanted to join and the teacher approved" Hyung explained.
"Oh well why do you want to go Jay?" I asked.
"Cause i want to spend time with Suho hyung, we haven't met in a very long time" He said.
"How about your school?" I asked again.
"We are on break for now" Jay said in a relieved voice.
"Oh that's great, i hope you have fun with us during the trip" I said smiling.
"Oh thanks bro" he said.

We finally finished our food and all of us was full now. My eyes landed on Jay and he was still staring at the person. He took a deep breath and grabbed out his phone then walked towards that table.
"Where are you going Jay?" Suho hyung asked.
"Just stay here ill be back" Jay said. I was assuming he met a friend or something but i don't know.

Jennie's POV

I was just chilling with the girls until randomly someone came up us.
"Hey" he said. I honestly thought he wasn't bad looking but wasn't really my type either way. But... who is he? I looked at Jisoo unnie, Rosé, and Lisa signaling them if they know this guy but they all shrugged their shoulders. As the brave one in the friend group, i talked first.
"Hi. Do we know you?" I said.
"I was just wondering if i can get your number?" he said. I looked at the members and they looked disgusted. Judging by their faces, i already knew they would say no.
"I'm sorry but all of them are taken" I said.
"Oh i think you misunderstood, i'm asking for your number" he said softly. I froze in my spot, i didn't know how to react.
"Careful, you have a boyfriend" Lisa whispered in my ears, making the guy confused.
"I mean the relationship isn't real... so i still have the right to do anything" I whispered back. Lisa raised her eyebrows and just smiled.
"I'm sorry but i don't know you so... yeah" I said slowly without hesitation. I can see the guy's smile slowly fading away after hearing me say that. I hated it. I didn't like hurting people's feelings even if i tried turning them down the nicest way.
"Oh... that's okay then" he said and then turned to walk away. I felt sorry but what can i do? He's a total stranger.

Kai's POV

I finished the last sip of my drink just to realize Jay came back with a frown on his face.
"Hey what's wrong?" I asked.
He sighed and said, "Nothing i just tried to ask for someone's number."
"Oh damn i'm assuming she didn't give it to you?" I asked.
"Yeah. She said she didn't like giving her number to strangers so i guess i pretty much got rejected" He sadly said. I patted him on the shoulder and went to the counter to pay our check. I felt a girl standing right next to me also paying her own check, i turned my head and realized it was Rosé.
"Rosé?!" I said.
"Kai?!" She said back.
"Why are you here?" I curiously asked.
"I'm here with Jisoo unnie, Jennie unnie, and Lisa. How about you?" She said and payed her check. I thought to myself, Jennie is here?
"Oh i'm here with Suho hyung and one of his friend" I answered.
"I'll take the girls to your table" she said and walked away. I just walked back to my table.
"Hyung, your girlfriend is here with the other girls" i said.
"What?! Jisoo is here? I couldn't see her though" He said.
"Yeah. Well, they are-" i said midway until Jisoo interrupted.
"BABE!" She screamed and ran to hug Suho. While they were hugging and talking, i saw a shock expression on Jay's face. Jennie was also staring at him.
"Do you guys know each other?" Jay asked everyone.
"Yeah. Jisoo is my girlfriend, Rosé and Lisa are girlfriends with my other friends. Lastly, that's Jennie" Suho hyung explained.
"Are you guys all friends?" Jennie asked.
"Yep" Suho hyung answered.
Jennie turned towards Jay and said, "Now that i know you, you can have my instagram. It's @jennierubyjane".  I got confused and jumped in the conversation.
"Why are you giving him your insta?" i asked.
"He asked for my number at first but i didn't give it to him since he was a stranger but i guess we know each other" She said.  I was shocked, i knew this guy was up to no good.
"Let's be friends. I'm jennie" She said.
"I'm Jay" He said and blushed. My blood boiled but what can i do? Ugh this is so annoying.

(I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter - author)

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