Part 18

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6 months later...
(kind of short chapter)

Kai's POV

It's our 6 months anniversary today, i bought a gift for her and i hope she likes it.
"Babe!" Jennie screamed. I looked up and saw Jennie running to me, i opened my arms and wrapped her body around mines.
"Happy 6 months anniversary baby" I said and kissed her on the head.
"You too- huh what's this?" She asked pointing to the bag i was holding.
"It's your gift" I asked and gave it to her. She opened it quickly and took out the box.
"Matching necklaces?" She asked.
"Yeah... i know it's not a lot but do you like it?" I said scratching the back of my head.
"I love it babe, let's wear it" She smiled. I took it out and placed it on her neck.
"hey hyung!" a familiar voice called. I immediately recognized it, it was Jay. I looked at his direction and found Suho hyung waving at him. I remembered my last interaction with him was on the school field trip...


"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I punched Jay. I had told him that if he didn't meet me outside of the hotel right now, i would kill him so i guess he obeyed me.
"What do you want now?" He said wiping the blood on the corner of his lip.
"What do i want?! You caused Jennie to end up in the hospital because of your fucking dirty plays. I'm gonna kill you today i swear" I grabbed his collar tightly and continue punching him.
"You can punch me all you want but you're not going to kill me, you're too weak to do that" He chuckled which made my anger level rise up.
"I don't give a fuck about you but if you dare to mess with my girlfriend again... be ready to say your last words" I punched him one last time before leaving.
"Just watch... Jennie will be mine" He whispered to himself.

End of flashback...

"Babe?" She said making me back to reality.
"Oh yeah?" I raised my eyebrows.
"I didn't get a gift, i was just planning for us to only have dinner together because i didn't know what to buy " She explained with pouty lips.
"Awww it's okay, let's go then" I ruffled her hair.

Jennie's POV

It had already been six months since i started dating Kai, time really flies by quickly right? Anyways, i booked reservations for a five starred restaurant and i can't wait. The necklace that Kai got us was really pretty, it looked expensive and unique at the same time. I feel bad for not getting anything for him, he always does so much for me.
"We're here" Kai said and parked his car. Damn i was thinking so much that i didn't even realized we arrived. I simply nodded and got out the car. The waiter guided us and took us to a table, it looked super fancy and romantic. I opened the menu and... WHAT THE FUCK? WHY IS EVERYTHING SO EXPENSIVE? I am mentally screamed.
"What do you want? i'll treat" I insisted since i felt bad for not getting anything.
"hmmm. I'll get the pasta" He smiled. I glanced at the section in the menu and sighed after knowing it was one of the cheapest plates.
"Me too then" I said.
I wish we can spend our everyday lives together and never be separated...

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