I sit on the bench staring at nothing in particular. I watch at the water falls from the sky to paint the ground. I watch as the leaves fall from the trees and glide their way to the floor. I watch as people walk by trying to shelter their selves from the water. I sit still watching the world pass me by.
It's a Monday again and I haven't spoken to Harry since Saturday night. I got a bit frustrated on Sunday when I came down stairs and saw a few things misplaced or faced a different way. I think it's completely wrong for him to be searching my stuff. I put everything back to the way it was and slouched down on the sofa the whole day. My stomach aches of pain and my head pounds from a headace.
Although the smell of rain relaxes me and keeps me content. I stay seated waiting for the bell to ring. The grass has just be freshly cut and now the rain waters it. Keeping it alive and healthy.
"Jesse it's freezing out here come on inside" Louis says walking towards me keeping his head shield by a hoodie. I shake my head no. "You'll get sick again now come on" he yanks me to my feet in one swift pull. And drags me inside the warm building.
I cover my nose and clench my jaw knowing my teeth will chatter. "God damn it Jess you're freezing" my body shakes but I try holding myself tightly. Louis pulls off his hoodie and hands it to me.
"No its cold you wear it" I tell him pushing his hand back towards himself.
"I have a jacket in my locker here take this one or else you'll get sick" I stay looking at the red hoodie. "Please" he pushes his hand towards me again and I take it.
I take off my black jacket and put his on under. I mean a hoodie and a jacket I feel really warm now. "Thank you" I tell him.
"No problem I just don't want you to get sick" I nod my head at him slowly. "This LA weather is all over the place isn't it?"
"Yeah but it should be getting more cold towards the middle of November" we walk towards his locker to get his jacket. I keep looking down. I don't have the energy today.
"Hey is something wrong?" Louis stops and looks at me concerned.
"No I'm fine just a little tired. I didn't have much sleep last night" he nods his head but he doesn't seem convinced. I stay silent the rest of the way their.
The walk is short. I stop but my legs just wanna keep going they want the walking to turn into jogging and the jogging to turn into running. I want to run and I don't want to look back. I want to run away from all this. I want to forget why I'm mad and sad. I want to run and the wind hitting my face to taking the pain away.
"Jesse? Earth to Jesse?" Niall snaps a hand in my face. And I look up at him confussed. "You were zoning out for a while I said do you know that girl that's with Harry?" Niall points a finger behind us and I unwilling look.
The girl has blonde wavy hair that falls just above her shoulder. Her eyes are painted brown. She's wearing one of Harrys sweaters thats over sized and black tights. She looks up at Harry and laughs at something he said. Her teeth are perfectly straight. Harrys wearing a grey hoodie and black jeans. His hair is covered in a beanie.
"No I don't know who she is" I tell them truthfully. Louis holds his stare with me longer then the others. He keeps looking until someone forces themselves into the conversation.
"Hey guys" Harry greets them. They all reply with hey or what's up. But I don't really pay attention.
The blonde one coughs and nudges Harry with her eldow. "Oh yeah this is Jane" he introduces her. She looks at him for a second and rolls her eyes before looking at everyone else. She greets everyone politely shaking their hand. Until she gets to me.

Revive [Harry Styles]
Fanfiction"I can't trust you, I can't listen to you, I can't believe you. I want nothing to do with you get the fuck out of my life Harry!" I yell at him while tears start forming in my eyes but I blink them away quickly. I will not be weak not now not after...