I look up at the burning house and tears start falling down my eyes. The heat is blowing near me. My eyes become dry from standing to close.
I turn around and run. I keep running, I run over sharp rocks and twigs but I keep going. I don't look back but I could hear footsteps behind me. I try picking up my speed but I'm so exhausted I can't keep going. I start to panic and hid behind a tree.
The footsteps slowed down but I could hear heavy breathing. I hold on to the sharp object between my hands tighter.
"Jesse come out" he let's out a evil laugh. "Look what you've done burned down the house bad bad girl" the footsteps are getting closer. "I'm going to have to spank you, you disobeyed me now why would you do that?" The footsteps are right behinds me and I shut my eyes tightly praying he'll turn around.
"You think you could get way with this! Oh now you got your old man mad just wait till I get my hands on you oh the things I'm going to do to your body your going to wish you were never born" I can't take it anymore I can't. I open my eyes and take a deep breath.
Next thing I know he has me pinned on the ground. The taste of dirt falls in my mouth and I cry out in pain.
"Why why would you do this to our home?" I don't answer him. I'm so scared I'm unable to speak. "Answer me god dammit!"
In one quick movement I stab the knife threw his chest. He falls the the floor and I cry out. Suddenly I feel like I'm falling down a black hole. I'm crying and yelling.
"Jesse Jesse it's me" the voice is smoothing and I want to find it but I'm lost and scared. I'm falling and I can't see him.
"Harry where are you don't leave me please I'm sorry!" I yell out hoping he hears me.
"Come back to me baby" I shake my head out of frustration. Where is he? Why can't I see him?
I jolt up from my bed and see Harry on the side of my bed with a worried expression. I have sweat on my forehead which causes some of my hair to stick to my face. It was just a dream a nightmare.
"You scared me one second you're yelling no the next you're yelling my name" I look all over the room and take a deep breath. "I tried waking you but you started swinging you have quite the punch" He's holding his arm and I look down embarrassed.
Wait it was a dream it was all a dream everything. Gramps. I start smiling and pull the covers off of me.
"Harry it was a dream everything it's not real a horrible dream but it's not real" I start pasing back and forward and let out a laugh. It's not real.
"What are you ta-" Harry begins but I cut him off.
"Its not real Gramps is still here I had a horrible dream where gramps died and it was just awful but it was a dream Harry all a dream can you take me to him please I need to be with him" I start rambling but I can't help it I'm so happy he's here with me. I start putting on my shoes not caring how I look.
"Jesse your gramps.. he's he did die" he looks everywhere but me and it's almost hard to hear him.
And just like that the pain is back. Right in the middle of my chest. It's hard to breathe and I set my shoes down. I look down and let my tears fall once again.
"I'm sorry I wish he was here I wish I could take the pain away from you but it will get better" I almost want to snap but I just get up.
"I'm going to take a shower" I mumble. I go to my dresser and get new clothes.
"Okay well I'll be here" is the last thing I hear Harry say before I exit the room.
I go down the hall passing pictures hung up on the wall of gramps. Where he's laughing and not noticing the camera.

Revive [Harry Styles]
Fanfiction"I can't trust you, I can't listen to you, I can't believe you. I want nothing to do with you get the fuck out of my life Harry!" I yell at him while tears start forming in my eyes but I blink them away quickly. I will not be weak not now not after...