Chapter Forty-Three

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I stay in his arms for a long time. So long the cars that were passing by suddenly stopped. My body feels so tired but my head is replaying and replaying everything. It won't shut up and it's giving me a huge headace. I don't even know how Harry feels about it. He's been silent after I stopped crying.

He finally speaks up but words I wouldn't of wanted to hear.. "Its getting pretty late I should go?" He ask a question instead of a statement. I don't want to be left alone but I can't force him to stay either.

"Okay" I push my hands on his chest just the slightest to get out of his hold. I don't dare look up at him because if I do I might start crying all over again.

"I'll uh I'll see you tomorrow" he gently places his lips on my forhead and kisses me before leaving.

I stay seated in the same spot. Even when I hear his motorcycle rum away I still stay seated. I see the moon slowly die down to be replaced with the sun and I still stay seated. I'm not sure what time it is when I finally decided to stop looking at the coffee table. I stand up with my body feeling completely numb.

It's still a school day but I have no need to want to go to school. So I reach for my phone and call the person who I haven't really talked to in a while.


"How are you holding up sweety?" She ask while I pour her coffee.

"I'm fin-"

"Don't give me that fine crap I could tell you're not fine, sweetheart when was the last time you slept?" I sit down beside her while she rubs her hand over my cheek.

"Okay I'm not fine Ms.Mish I don't think I'll ever be fine.. I told Harry about my past about everything and he held me while I cried but then he just left like nothing" I rub my eyes with my hands feeling tired.

"Maybe he just needed to take it all in. When your gramps first told me I was speechless and angry dear"

"Why were you mad?" I ask her while sipping the coffee.

"I wanted to kill that mother sucker for what he did to you but regardless I love you like you're my own family." She holds my hands in hers and I feel the warmth.

"I know and I'm sorry I haven't been over in a while how are Ben and Penelope?"

"They're doing fine Penelope is in love with princess right now even makes Ben dress up" I laugh a little with her. "Speaking of which can you babysit on Saturday for me please it's date night for us" she lifts up her eyebrows and I smile at her childness.

"Of course I can I miss those little ones anyways"

"I think we should started heading out. Ms.Finter can only cover for me for first and second period, which is over in about 10 minutes" she has eyeing her watch. I sigh really loudly but pick up my school bag. And slip on my shoes.

The ride to school is quite a comfortable quite with music playing in the background. I settle in my seat for only 10 minutes till we're at school.

"I'll see you on Saturday then and in class tomorrow correct?" I nod my head at her smiling and she walks away.

It's a break right now and I walk straight to my locker to pull out my notebooks and such. I don't feel like being around everyone right now so I go to the my old spot. Where it's peace and quite. I settle down and let my head fall back on the brick wall.

"Thought I'd find you here" my eyes open and I see Harry already sitting down besides me. "Actually no I was hoping I find you here but I needed the silence too" he plays with his fingers a nervous habit he has that I've grown to known.

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