It hurts my whole body hurts. Buts it's not from me it's from seeing Harry laying unconscious on the floor. He still hasn't woke up and it's been at least thirty minutes, of my dad blabbering his mouth. At some point I stopped paying attention because he keeps going on and on. My main focus is Harry.
"Are you even listening to me?" My dad says in a rude way.
"Yes" I say as quite as possiable.
"Then what did I say huh repeat it" he demands.
"Y-you said-"
"Stop studding do you know how to talk?" Before I could even answer he puts one finger up and I shut my mouth. "You're testing my patience." I tear my gaze away from him and look down at Harry again. With his eyes shut and his even breathing. "Look at me when I speak to you!" He harshly grabs my chin and forces to make eye contact with the man who ruined my life. His blue eyes that tore me down over and over again.
I try holding in my tears because I will not show him I'm weak. But that's the way I feel weak helpless. Because he he is right in front of me and I feel small. I can't do anything about it.
"As I was saying, I found your mom" my eyes follow him walking around the room. But my ears perk up when I hear about my mother. The women who never wanted me. "Yes you see when you stabbed me, shot me I don't even remember well she's the one who found me. Laying on the floor dying. And well she nursed me back to life."
My heart sinks at the words he spoke. Because it's true isn't it. She never wanted me. I was the cause of their problems. So with me out of the way my mom got my dad back for her self and my dad got his wife back.
"She's a wonderful women really. It's until recently that I realize you were the problem it was always you. And you know she'd tell me but I didn't believe her. She was right always was." He rubs his hands together and stops walking. Suddenly he exits the room without another word slamming the door behind him.
I look over at Harry and I pull the chains as hard as I can. To just try and reach him to get to my life. But I don't reach and my wrist are starting to burn. I cry out in pain.
Harrys POV
I hear little cry and that's when I try to open my eyes. I'm on the floor a cold concrete floor. I lift up my head and see Jesse staring at me with her big blue eyes that are full of horror and pain. And that's when I realize my mouth is covered with tape. I squirm trying to reach her but my hands and legs are tied to. The pain the pain from the stomach is not their anymore. It's gone. I look down and see my shirt still covered in blood but the pain is gone.
"Harry" Jesse's sweet voice says. I look at her and I can't do anything. I'm worthless tied up. I was suppose to protect her if anything went wrong. "Harry can you hear me?" She ask but I could still see the tears in her eyes and hear the pain in her voice.
I nod my head quickly. I looking inside the whole room trying to find something anything that can help us escape but theirs nothing. It's like we're in some abandoned warehouse. With one exit and that's a huge metal door. It's fucken scary something you'd see in a movie but I'm living through it right now.
"We don't have enough time he could be back any minute now. I promise you I'll get you out of here safe I promise Harry" her last words stick to me like glue before the metal door slides open and it bangs shut again.
"Ahh I see our little friend finally woke up from his beauty sleep" some man says. He looks about in his mid 30's. He's wearing blue jeans and a tucked in baby blue button up his hair is tall and messy. He walks towards me and looking straight into my eyes and that's when I notice his piercing blue eyes. He yanks the tape that covers my mouth in one movement that leaves me in a burning pain.
"Don't hurt him!" Jesse yells from in front of me. The man only laughs and throws the tape on the floor.
"Now what kind of dad would I be if hurt the boy my daughter is oh so in love with?"
I make a confused face and I cringe my nose. He can't be her dad he's dead isn't he? Wait what?"Oh where are my manners hi I'm Jesse's father" he puts his hand out for me to shake but my hands are tired. He only laughs and pulls his hand away.
My anger takes the best of me and I want to rip these ropes that hold me together apart. I want to smash his face into the floor. I want to kill him with my own bare hands.
Jesse's POV
I look over at Harry and see him shaking. He keeps clenching and unclenching his jaw. I wish I could touch him just to make him calm down.
"Harry are you okay" he looks over at me and his eyes soften a bit. He tries to move his body so he can reach me but my dad kicks him back.
"Did I give you permission to move?" He harshly spits. Harry winces in pain and I'm tugging on the rope once again.
"Leave him alone!" I shout at him once again. "Do whatever you want to me just leave him alone.."
"Oh honey I plan on doing whatever I want to you don't you worry about that but he's just a punching bag and I might kill him just to pre-warn you" he finishes. And I feel like all the air left my lungs all my hope fell out and I'm left alone with a few moments with Harry.
He can't kill him he won't kill him. No Harrys my everything. He's my life. He revived me when I felt dead when I was dead. It's him who brought me back it's him who I love with all my heart and soul. He can't he won't, over my dead body.
The door opens again to revile a tall girl with high heels. Her hair is blonde and she has pale skin. I can't really see her face because she keeps moving from side to side. She's wearing black skinny jeans and a white shirt.
"Finally you made it" my dad practically yells into my ear. He has a smile on his face a smile that looks sneaky. Harry looks confused.
"Of course I wouldn't miss it for a thing" her voice is sweet. A sweet low voice. It's so familiar. I hear it ringing in my ear. She walks up to my dad slowly keeping her eyes on him and only him. "I was thinking about you all night long" something in her voice I can't pin point it but it's there. And that's when it hits me like a ton of bricks.

Revive [Harry Styles]
Fanfiction"I can't trust you, I can't listen to you, I can't believe you. I want nothing to do with you get the fuck out of my life Harry!" I yell at him while tears start forming in my eyes but I blink them away quickly. I will not be weak not now not after...