It's been 3 days since Gramps has been in the hospital. He isn't getting any better. He looks worse by every hour. I keep telling myself he'll get better but I'm scared.
I've been pushing Harry away. I've been cutting school early to be with gramps. He's all I need right now. I can't concentrate on school, I can't get any sleep, I most certainly can't carry a conversation with any one other then gramps. Harrys been asking me how I'm holding up and I just nod my head. Theirs no answer to that question I haven't been holding up but I don't want to tell him that.
Right now I'm at the hospital holding gramps hand while he sleeps. The doctors told me his heart is pumping less and less. His cancer has spread and theirs nothing they can do anymore. I feel numb. The only time I show any type of emotion is with gramps.
I hear a knock on the door and I don't bother paying attention to it.
A few seconds later I hear a voice that almost makes me happy but doesn't.
"Jesse?" Harrys voice is so soft and gentle.
"Mmm" I answer him without taking my eyes off of gramps.
"Jess you need to get some sleep" his voice is full of concern.
"I can't Harry I need to be awake when gramps wakes up so he can know I'm here for him" I look up at him and see he has a frown on his face. His hair is covered under a beanie and his eyes look tired.
"You can't keep doing this it isn't healthy you need sleep and you know your gramps would tell you the same thing to" his voice is much higher and frustrated now.
"I can't.. I just cant" I tell him honestly gripping gramps hand a little tighter.
"Your so stubborn all I'm asking you to do is take a hour nap you need sleep" he takes a step closer to me.
"Harry I can't he need me and I'm going to stay awake as long as I need to for him" he let's out a sigh of frustration.
"Fine but at least eat something will you? No you know what I'm not asking you, you will eat something and I'm going to go get you something" he walks out the door before I can protest.
Gramps starts coughing and I tense up. Then he goes back to sleep peaceful and I relax in my seat again.
Harrys POV
I could feel Jesse slipping away from me more and more everyday. She's more distant, she barely talks, and I haven't seen her smile once.
Her health is what's scaring me the most. She has dark rings under he eyes, her skin is the color of snow and she looks so skinny she'll snap. I keep trying to talk to her but she ignores me or spaces off.
The worse part is that I see Paul getting worse. If he dies so with a big part of Jesse and she might never come back to me. She was barely trusting me too.
This is so frustrating she's so frustrating. Everything damn it.
I slam my fist against the steering wheel and start squeezing till you could see my knuckles get white. I'm on my way to get her some food so she can finally eat.
I decided just to get her pizza since it's the closest thing around. Once I park the car I head inside and take a deep breath.
"Hello what can I get you?" This tall blonde girl ask me. She looks no older then 23 and has brown eyes.
"Can I get a medium peperoni pizza" I tell her.
"Yeah that'll be 12.32 and it'll take 10 mins" I hand her the money and take a seat waiting.
I look down at my lap and realize how bad I must smell. I've been thinking of Jesse so much I haven't showered since Monday. I feel so bad but I want to see her happy and I know that's selfish because she's going through a tuff time. But she just looks so much more broken.
"Your pizzas ready uhh.."
"Harry" I finish her sentence.
"Harry your pizzas ready" I walk up to the counter to grad the pizza and the girl grads my hand.
"My name is Lilly you look really stressed" I look down at her hand and back at her and just nod my head. She slips a piece of paper in my hand.
"If you ever feel like letting some steam off call me" she winks and I just walk away.
Once I'm outside I crumble the paper and stuff it in my pocket.
The drive back to the hospital was quite and fast. I go to Pauls room and let out a sigh of hope. I slowly walk in and Jesse's holding Pauls hand. She hasn't noticed me yet.
"I promise gramps I'm going to protect us and we still need to travel remember? We said we were going to go to Florida and Paris. You just have to get better for me okay please all I'm asking for is for you to get better" she sniffles and shakes her head. "You just need to get better you can't leave me not when I need you the most and I promise I'll be less stressful to deal with and I'll make as much jelly cookies as you want gramps just get better okay" she gets up and kisses him on the forehead so gently it's like a snowflake falling.
I pretend I just got in and she snaps her head up hiding her tears. She doesn't like showing her feeling a lot.
"Hey I brought you pizza and your eating" I hand her the pizza and her tiny hands tremble.
"I can't eat all of this can you eat some with me please Harry" my name slides off her lips.
"I guess but I'm not eating it all" I point a finger at her and she giggles. And it's music to my ears something I haven't heard in a while.
We both pick up a pizza and I take a bite that's more then half. While she takes small bites.
"You know what tomorrow is right?" I ask her. She simply shakes she head.
"We have to turn in our draft for first and your birthday" her face completely falls and I mentally face palm myself.
"I did our project for us so don't worry and well the rest is a surprise" I wink at her and she blushes.
"Thank you Harry I've been so busy with gramps I forgot about that" she speaks just above a whisper.
"No problem m'lady" she giggles a bit and for once I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders.
The rest of the night I just have her under my arm in a comforting silence. Till I hear soft snores coming from her.

Revive [Harry Styles]
Fanfiction"I can't trust you, I can't listen to you, I can't believe you. I want nothing to do with you get the fuck out of my life Harry!" I yell at him while tears start forming in my eyes but I blink them away quickly. I will not be weak not now not after...