"My precious Jesse your 18 my baby is finally legal" my gramps says holding my hand.
"Gramps it's just another day" I tell him slightly blushing.
"Ohh rubbish your 18 but your still my baby and why have you've been missing so much school you should be there right now" his smile soon turns into a straight serious face.
"I want to spend time with you. You know what's rubbish school if I want to be with my favorite person in the world then I can and will" I smile wider teeth showing and everything and he just chuckles.
"Mm you know I can't say no to you" he lightly squeezes my hand. "So what do you have planned for today"
"Gramps I'm staying here with you" I'm slightly confused at the question.
"Nonsense you've been stuck in this hospital for a week you need to go out and see the world again is Harry coming?" My head shots up at the mention of his name. To be honest I don't know if he's going to come or not. I'm sure he's getting tired of this hospital.
I shrug my shoulders "I don't know plus I'd rather spend my whole day with you" I smile at him.
"All lies I could see right through you. I know you want Harry to come just the mention of his name and you become all excited" my face grows red by the time he's finished. "And I still have my surprise for you" I shake my head.
"No no no surprise" Gramps chuckles and I get up to use the bathroom.
I want Harry to come but I don't know if he will. I'm pretty sure he has better things to do. But I know deep down inside I do want him to come. Yesterday when he came back I don't know I felt almost normal with him again. I laughed with someone else other then gramps.
Once I'm done using the bathroom I wash my hands and look at myself in the mirror. I look exhausted. My hair is a curly wavy mess. The blue in my eyes look darker. I take a deep breath and exit.
"Gramps we cou- Harry wh-what are you doing here?" Harrys standing next to gramps. He's wearing black skinny jeans and a blue flannel. He looks good. His green eyes don't look as tired as before. In fact they look bright and full of life. His smile grows wider by the second.
"I came to say happy birthday and to take you out no if ands or buts I already got your gramps permission" I look over to gramps who's nodding his head.
"Oh I don't know I wanted to just stay-" Gramps cuss me of before I could even finish.
"No no you are going I want you to have a good time just be back so I could give you your present later" I look at him confused, I don't want to leave him.
"You heard the man let's go" Harry speaks up. I look over to gramps and walks towards him.
"Are you sure I could go I could stay here if you like?" My gramps just shakes his head.
"No I want you to go and I want to hear about every g when you get back I'm tired anyways let an old man get his sleep" I giggle a little before nodding my head and kissing him on the cheek.
"I love you" I tell him holding his hands.
"And I love you too happy special day sweetie now go I'll still be here when your back" he smiles at him and I return it.
He'll still be here when I get back.
"Shall we?" Harry ask him holding out his arm.
"We shall" I tell him grabbing a hold of his arm.
We exit the hospital quickly and I want to run inside again but I stop myself.
"Harry what did you plan?" I ask him curiously.

Revive [Harry Styles]
Fanfiction"I can't trust you, I can't listen to you, I can't believe you. I want nothing to do with you get the fuck out of my life Harry!" I yell at him while tears start forming in my eyes but I blink them away quickly. I will not be weak not now not after...