Chapter Three

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Its like everything at that moment just went slow motion. I just wanted to curl up in a little ball and never wake up.

I knew I should of ended my life when I had the chance. I can't let this happen to me again. If it does I don't know what I'll do I don't know if I could survive something like this again. There's no more fight left in me. I'm just completely broken with no hope, no more strength, no more anything. I'm just a lost girl who can't find her way back to the light.

Then I feel someone sits besides me which makes me almost jump out of my skin.

"Hey I just wanted to say sorry about back there I didn't know what I was saying I just wanted to get to you know you I know it's stupid I'm sorry." I don't even have to look up to him to know who it is he has a voice that no one could miss.

I just can't deal with this right now. I have so much more going on in my life I just don't know what to do. I can't leave because of gramps. Then I realize I've been quiet for to long because he speaks again.

"I understand if you don't want to talk to me. It's your life I shouldn't of just bombarded you with questions like that I'm sorry.." he says with a bit of sadness in his voice.

Before I can even saying anything he gets a hold of my face and I feel my body tense "What's wrong your face is so pale it looks like you've seen a ghost. Are you going to be sick?" he notice somethings wrong but no one ever notices when somethings wrong except my gramps.

"Uh yeah I'm fine just the lunch here you know probably expired. Well I got to go." I'm so awkward in situations like this. Something about him just makes me loose my bit of confidence.

He gets a hold of arm before I get to leaving and says "Hey I didn't mean to scare you, you can stay here I just wanted to say sorry ha I've been looking all over the place for you" he lightly chuckles. What he's been looking for me just to say sorry?

"Oh um you didn't have to look for me it's uh okay I guess I was um over reacting" my words just keep stumbling over them selfs.

"Oh okay cool so friends?" he holds out his hand for my to shake, and I unwillingly do. I don't know was I just suppose to do just walk away. He put in the effort just to find me and apologize. Anyone who is ever mean just bumps me and laughs they don't say sorry.

He gives me a full on smile with teeth and dimples. I can't help it but at least try to smile back which I'm sure is a bit awkward.

"Yeah so I'll see you around" he says before getting up to leave.

"Yeah see ya"

The bell rings. Yes is the last period of the day. I throw the remainders of my lunch away.

As I make my way to my last period I can't help but wonder why on earth I have acting for a class. I did not pick this. Hell I'm the shyest person you'll ever meet.

Once I step into the class I notice Harry is in this class to but he's talking to 2 other girls. I guess he fits in.

I sit in the back again. Just playing with my fingers trying to distracted myself. Who ever called me is lying they have to be. I killed him myself I have blood on my hands I saw. It just can't be I know they're lying they just want to scare me which they're doing. I need to stop worrying about it.

In walks Mr.Wits. "Hello lovely people I have a lot of big plans for us this year. I first want to say that I pick everyone of you to be in this class." Huh? " I've seen you all around the school for the past months during school and specialized this class to fit what I have in store for everyone." Okay now I feel kinda creeped out for being watched.

"And as for you Mr.Sryles you were basically the missing piece to fit this all together. Now I want just for today to be simple and easy I want you to use the whole period to write. Just write what ever comes to mind whether it's how your day is going or your favorite music I just want you to write and in the last two minutes I'm going to stop you and then I'll tell you the next step okay write everyone write."

I pull out my notebook and pen to just start writing about my gramps. From the corner of my eye I see Harry waking towards me.

"Hey is this sit taken?" he was gesturing to the seat next me me.

"No its all yours" I say before looking down to write.

I wrote everything about my gramps how he saved me. How much he means to me. How sick he is right now. How I try to work as much as I can so I can pay for his medicine. Although he has a lot of money saved I still pay for the things he needs. I love him so much. I just don't know what I would of done without him. He is a truly spectacular man.

"Okay so everyone. Finish the last sentence and now I want you to trade papers to the person next to you." Ohh crap can't I catch a break. "I want you to take that persons paper and continue writing but it's not that simple I want you to write as your that same person. Now this means your going to have to get to know the person beside you. And get comfortable because the person your partner with is your parent for the rest of the year." he finished with a smile. Why the hell is he smiling! I want to smack that smile off his face.

I turn towards Harry who has a smile from ear to ear. While I have the face that says please help me.

"Hey I guess we'll be spending a lot more time together."

"Yeah I guess so."

"What did you write about?"

"I wrote about my gramps and you?" This is the longest I've talking to someone who isn't my gramps or costumers.

"I wrote about.. Well is is going to sound so embarrassing if I knew we were going to have to switch papers I wouldn't of wrote about this." he keeps babbling on and on. "I wrote about you" He says while it looks like he blushing.

"Oh" was the only thing I manged to say I mean what do you say in a time like this. Some guy I barely met wrote about me? It made me smile a bit though.

"Yeah so maybe we can hang out tomorrow after school to I don't know get to know each other more?" he awkwardly says while scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah I guess that okay" I mean we have to get this finished and I don't have work tomorrow so I guess it will have to do even if I feel like pissing myself.

"Yeah here give me your number so I'll text you?"

"Umm yeah sure" I give him my number before class ends.


Work wasn't to bad if felt like time was going by so fast. I work as a local pizza palor. I love pizza so it fits. My house is about 15 mins from here it isn't to bad.

As I make my way home I can't help but wonder about that boy Harry. I mean he just seems so different. I still haven't read the paper he wrote about me. I plan on doing that tonight. I also need to write down more questions for Luke to answer he makes me so uncomfortable. But it's different with Harry it's not a good different it's a bad different I feel like I don't have any control.

I get to my house faster then I expected to. I get my keys out from my bag and unlock the front door. I can't wait to tell gramps about my day. Gramps is all I have that's why I'm so close to him or think about him a lot.

"Gramps I'm home!" I yell while making my way towards his room. I swing open the door but almost break down in tears when I see my gramps.

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