Harrys POV
Stupid class. Stupid teacher. Stupid desk. Stupid pencil. Stupid Jess for looking so pretty. Stupid auditions that we have to do. Stupid school.
Jesse didn't let me in her house on Monday. She had all doors tightly locked I stayed there for hours sitting in the rain. Knocking and knocking she didn't answer. If the neighbors didn't keep looking at me i would of probably stayed there all night. But they stared, pretty sure they almost called the cops on me. Saying some psycho was stalking some girl out in the rain.
Which leaves me here in 6th period on a Friday. Auditions are today. Yay. He's dividing us in groups. He said the auditions are different so we'll see how that goes. I'm fine with being a tree or something. They have trees in The Christmas Carol right? I have yet to see the movie another stupid thing.
I look over at Jesse with her stupidly perfect wavy hair in a ponytail. Her stupid rosy cheeks and lips. Her perfect blue eyes that stare down to her paper. The way her sweater looks perfect on her. Every damn thing about her is perfect everything. Even the small mole on the corner of her eye is perfect on her. Why does she have to be so perfect all the time? Why can't she have an ugly day? That sounds so mean but it's like she's torching me without even having to try.
"Harry, Allison, Jesse, and Jacob it's your turn" the teacher comes out holding a clipboard with papers on them. Jesse seems a bit tense but gets up and follows suit. We walk to other room attached to this one. "Okay so just read from these papers and we'll see how you do" he hands us the papers.
I read my lines a little over and over patently I'm Fred who ever the hell that is apparently he's married because in this scene their in a bedroom talking about Uncle Scrooge. My face lightens up when I peak to see who Jesse has and in bold letters on the top right corner it reads Fred's Wife. My heart picks up the beat. And I smile to myself.
Jesse says her lines oh so gracefully it's like listening to an angel speak. Her voice is music to my ears. I read my lines next trying to be as much enthusiast as I can. I need to be Fred so she has to talk to me. Or at least ecology me. I finish the lines and don't dare look over at Jess. I could feel her stare burning into the side of my face. If I was talking to her I probably would be whispering things in her ear to make her laugh and loosen up. How I wish I could just take every thing back. I would still have my Jesse. She would be mine right now. I would kiss her and hug her as tight as I can I would show her just as much as she means to me.
He dismiss us telling us the results will be up on Monday. I hope she's my wife, for the play of course. The bell rings not so long after. I walk to my locker knowing hers is just a few down from mine. I don't even have to put anything in here I just wanna see her. I'm not desperate I'm just I know I was wrong I know I need to make this right. It's just hard that I-I want her to trust me and I completely shattered that. I'm a screw up but I thought maybe I could protect her call her mine. But now I messed that up I always seem to mess things up.
I slam my head on my locker not even knowing the combination. I shut my eyes feeling stress overtake me. Maybe-
"Hey Jess" I hear from a distance. I look over casually and see Louis and Zayn talking to Jesse. She greets them with a little wave of a hand. She's so cute. From here I could see her cheeks grow a little red.
"So your still gonna come today for the party right?" Louis ask her. She almost shakes her head when Louis puts on a puppy dog face. She giggles a bit. That giggle.
"Yeah I guess I'll go" he springs up and hugs her. She shakes her head and hugs back. But the one thing that I notices is she didn't tense up she didn't look shocked.

Revive [Harry Styles]
Fanfiction"I can't trust you, I can't listen to you, I can't believe you. I want nothing to do with you get the fuck out of my life Harry!" I yell at him while tears start forming in my eyes but I blink them away quickly. I will not be weak not now not after...