Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Harry stop" I throw the paper off the desk for the 10th time. "Harry I said stop" I turn to look at him and he throws another paper air plane right at my face. He starts laughing, over exaggerating laughing.

"Awh come on Jess I've been here for thirty minutes and you have yet to pay attention to me what are you even writing?" I hear his heavy footsteps walk over to me and I throw my head back in frustration.

"Trying to do homework but I can't figure out this freaken calculus problem" Harry grabs the paper from my desk and looks at it for a while.

"Its 2" he simply says and rolls on the bed again.

"Wait how did you get 2? I've been stuck on this last problem for thirty minutes and every time I try to solve it I get 36 or 72?" I scratch my head and lift my glasses more up my nose.

"Its simply here give me the paper" I hand him the paper and he shows me how he did the impossible problem. "See easy" he gives me a smirk and shakes his head when I slap his shoulder.

"I didn't know you were really good at math you gotta tutor me this subject is killing me" I tell him. I put all my stuff away and flop on the bed next to him.

I believe him. I think I do. I'm trying to. He makes me smile and when he kissed me it's like everything dissappear. Like we were the only two people left on the earth. No one around us existed. I pushed all the 'what ifs' away and kissed him back. He said sorry and I believe him I trust him. I'm scared that I trust him but it's to late. I hope he doesn't hurt me. I'm far to damaged to take another hit.

"Did I ever tell you that you look really pretty in glasses" he looks over at me and I could tell he's smiling without looking at him.

"I think you said it once or twice" I face him and lean my head against his forehead. "Did I tell you that you have really nice eyes?"

"You might of said it once or twice" he smiles at me and I could smell the cookie he ate earlier. He rubs his nose against mine and I giggle at him. "What I'm giving you Eskimo kisses" he does it again.

"It tickles" I giggle putting my hands on his chest.

"Then I guess I have to give you a real kiss" he smirks a little and tilts his head. I close my eyes.

"Knock knock Nialls coming in" I push Harry away startled. Niall jumps on the bed and gives Harry a wide grin. "Soooooohhh what are we gonna do today?" He ask. And as if on cue the others walk in.

"Hey you guys we missed you at the party last night" Zayn says spinning on the chair.

"Yeah what the puck one second I see you two the next you guys disappeared" Liam tilts his head to the side while talking.

"Wait time out how did you guys get in I thought I locked it" I look over at Harry. I told him to lock it behind him.

"Yeah.. No it was open we tried knocking but no one answered then we tried calling you but you didn't pick up. We saw lover boys motorcycle outside and but too and too together." Louis says. He looks over at me and gives me a half smile.

"Sorry about last night Jess and I left to talk and it got pretty late so I just dropped her off" Harry says rubbing his temples.

"What's the plan for today?" Niall ask again. He puts his head on Harrys tummy.

"Let's go bowling I've always wanted to go" I say a bit to excited.

"Have you've been?" Harry ask.

"No I've never been but I want to. Gramps always said we were but then yeah.." I look down and play with my fingers unable to finish the sentence.

"We're here to make your dream come true come on get dressed" Louis says he walks over to me and gives me a hug. I hide my tears and smile a tight smile. Soon they all leave and it's only Harry waiting.

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