I stuff the note all the way behind my drawer. Hoping I could forget about it or maybe pretend I never got it. I try erasing it from my memory the best I can. Sometimes it works and other times it's eating me alive. I finished the letter, I finished it but I don't want to accept it o don't want it to be true maybe that's why I shoved it down. Maybe that's why I check every corner maybe that's why I allow myself to be close to people every second of the day.
I see in Harrys eyes he's worried but I keep telling him I'm okay and maybe I'm trying to convince myself maybe I should tell him but I don't. I don't because he'd be worried I don't because he'd go mad I don't because I want to protect us and if keeping this from him is protecting us together then so be it. But I still see the worry in his eyes I still see the questions swirling around his head I see it but I push that aside to. I try to forget I try to focus of us.
It's not my fault I jump when I hear a knock on the door it's not my fault when I see a dark figure across the street and start walking faster. It's not my fault. It's his because he's suppose to be gone he's suppose to leave me alone.
So I stay quite about it all I keep to myself about the topic. I let it eat me alive and I let it consume my brain in every horrible scenario. I let it to keep Harry safe to keep him with him everyday. Because the threat wasn't for me was it?
Harrys POV
I see it I see how lost she is sometimes. I see her day dream from across the room I see her snap out of her thoughts when I call her name. I see her hiding something from me. I see the space that's grown between us. It's the physical space because she tries being by my side every day no its not that it's much more it's the emotional space it's the trust space. It's like she checks in and clocks out daily.
I see the bag that grow under her eyes. I feel when she doesn't fall asleep she pretends to though. She thinks I'm stupid? I feel when she shifts closer to me at night. I feel her little hand squeeze my arm in protection that she won't tell me what's wrong. I know it's there it's an invisible force separating us slowly. It's the click that ticks us apart.
The worry that pumps through me isn't a question anymore but a consent statement of how I worry of how I want her to talk to me. But I get a simple I'm fine. Over and over again those words burning holes through my brain fueling the worry even more. I can't take it I can't. But I won't leave and I promise that.
I just want her to talk to me.
Jesse's POV
"Rise and shine sunshine" Harry chirps in my ears. I roll over on my side wanting that bit of sleep back. Another sleepless night. "Come on sleepy head I made you breakfast" I peak my eyes from under the covers to see burnt toast and some yellow green slime looking thing. I cover my head again and snuggle in deeper. "Its not that bad is it?"
"I could smell it from here" I mumble threw the pillows.
"No yo- yeah that smells really bad it stinks" I could hear the disgust in his voice and I giggle. "Oh this is funny to you is it? It's funny?" I know that voice I know what's about to come but my body is still to tired to move and it's to late I'm ambushed with a top less Harry tickling my sides.
"No Harry stop!" I say in between fits of laughter. The most I've laughed in days.
"Say you're sorry" he says ticking my ticklish spot.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry please stop" I say gasping for air because of all the laughter. He eventually stops and kisses my forehead gently.
"That wasn't so bad now was it?" I slap his chest.
But my eyes stay focus in his toned chest on his tattoos that he has covered and I only see. I keep my eyes there and slowly trace my fingers on his tattoos. Goosebumps grow over his skin and we aren't laughing no more. No its more then that. He dips his head down and kisses me a sweet soft kiss that I want to last forever. A kiss that gives me a break from reality because during that kiss it's just us to in the world.
"I'm so fu-ck-en hungry" Harry sings from the drivers seat. Oh his o' so terrible voice.
"Relax we're getting food right now sweet cheeks" I tell him. He rubs circles over my hand with his thumb and I wouldn't want him to stop.
We pull up the the 50's cafe. And the smell of burgers invade my senses and I'm in love. We haven't been here I'm a while and I miss the smell I miss the posters hung all over the wall I miss the smoothes that are endless here.
"Hey Jess" Nathan walks up to the table holding his notepad ready to take our orders. I get up to hug him properly. "Hey Harry" he says to and upset looking Harry. I roll my eyes at him.
"How have you've been?" I ask him.
"I've been good trying to get a hold of my life but good and you?" He leans on the table.
"Same as you bud" he elbows my arm and I just smile back at him. He's a good friend even with a stubborn looking Harry.
"So what can I get for you two?" He ask while writing something down.
"Umm I'll have a bacon burger without any onion or tomato and french fries with a oreo milkshake please" I say handing him the menu.
"I'll have the same as her" Harry says and I almost laugh at how stubborn he is.
"Coming right up" Nathan says before walking away.
"Hey what's wrong mister grumpy?" I ask while scooting over to him.
"Nothing I'm just a little jealous" he says playing with one of his rings on his finger.
"Harry Edward Styles I am in love with you not with anyone else but with you. You don't have to be jealous because I belong to you" I say kissing his lips gently.
"I swear you could say it over and over again and I'd still be in this phase of wanting to hear it over and over again. The way you say it baby the way you Uhh everything I love you Jesse I love you" he says flustered. He then kisses me and I kiss him back but a small kiss that mean so much to me.
And the moments taken away when I see a dark figure a standing by the door my guard goes up and I lose myself. Me and Harry eat and have little discussions but I keep look at the dark figure I keep glancing in that direction. My mind is shuffling around with different threats. I'm fine I'm fine. I keep telling myself I'm fine.
And soon I'm fine.
"Are you sure you're fine you barely even ate and you wanted to leave so quickly I know how much you love that place?" Harry ask me and I keep holding my hands tight trying to calm down.
"I'm fine Harry I just need to shower that's all" I say.
We get home quicker then we left and I'm running upstairs to take a shower to block out the noise. "Harry I'm gonna take a quick shower!" I shout before locking the door and putting the shower on hot.
I take longer then I thought. Because I keep on thinking and thinking. Protect, harm, gone, alone. I'm scared but I need to tell Harry we're a team we'll fight this together. I love him.
I shut off the water and get dressed quickly I need to tell Harry now before something happens. I rush out of the bathroom and march downstairs to find it empty.
"Harry?" I call out but the whole house is silent. He left. I walk to the kitchen and see a note that's in Harrys writing
Hey love,
I hope I'm back before you get out but I know you've been stressed so I'm going to get a surprise for you. Love you xxxx
-HarryMy insides begin to clench my jaw begins to lock I haven't been aline not since I got the letter but something feels wrong somethings not right. I run upstairs and I rush through my drawer. I find the paper and I put it in Harrys book that he's reading Ask The Dark.
but everything goes back after I turn around and get hit with something hard across my head. It throbs with pain is the last thing I remember.

Revive [Harry Styles]
Fanfiction"I can't trust you, I can't listen to you, I can't believe you. I want nothing to do with you get the fuck out of my life Harry!" I yell at him while tears start forming in my eyes but I blink them away quickly. I will not be weak not now not after...