Chapter Twenty-Three

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Harry pulls me threw the crowd of people dancing on the dance floor? I get slightly pushed here and there but I manage to keep a tight hold on Harrys hand.

Who's house is this anyways? I wonder if gramps was a type of parent to let me throw parties. I push the thought down because now I'll never know. We come to a complete stop and I bump into Harrys back. Oops I should really pay attention.

"Well well well look who decided to show up mates" I peep from behind Harry and see three guys.

One has blonde hair and blue eyes with a huge smile on his face. His teeth perfectly straight and hair pushed back slightly like Harrys but different. He's wearing black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. Another one is wearing all black his hair is up in a quiff and his eyes are blue too. He had peach fuzz around his face and a smirk much like Harrys. The last guy is wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a white muscle shirt with a flannel tied around his waist. His eyes are brown.

But I wonder how long I've been looking because now two pair of  blue eyes one pair of brown eyes are staring right at me. I blush of embarrassment and move behind Harry again who steps aside. Curse you.

"This is Jesse"

"Mm so this is the girl you've been blowing us off for" blue eye guy speaks. "Hi my name is Louis" he holds his hand for me to shake and I slowly do.

"Hey my name is Niall" other blue eye speaks. His accent is thick. Off the back he sounds straight Irish. I shake his hand keeping a smile on my face.

"And I'm Liam" brown eyes speaks. He has an accent to. I shake his hand and turn to Harry feeling insecure.

Harry bends down and whispers in my ear "I'm going to get us something to drink are you okay here?" I look up at him and nod my head. I don't want him to think he needs to babysit. Harry turns to the guys "I'm going get us drinks beers okay with everyone?" They all nod in approval and he leaves.

I turn to the guys and smile a little. Blue eyes I think his name is Louis turns to me. I'm so bad at remembering names.

"So tell us a little about yourself Jess" all eyes are on me now and I play with my fingers on my lap.

"Well there's not much to tell I'm 18 I have blue eyes my favorite food is pizza-"

"Oh your going to get along with all of us pretty well then" Louis says and I feel a little more at ease.

"You like pizza I like pizza we're gonna be best mates" Niall? Says and I laugh a little.

"Oh look theirs Zayn guys" Louis points to a boy a few feet away from us. And I turn to look at him.

"Who's he?" I question not knowing anyone here but Harry.

"He's one of our other mates he's been a little moody lately I think his girlfriend and him have been having problems" I nod my head.

"Enough about him Jess care to take a shot with us fellas" I feel skeptical at first but I came here to loosen up right?

"Yeah sure" I nod my head.

"You're one of the boys" they cheer. And I wonder what I did to make them all like me.

Louis pours 4 shots and we all pick up our small glasses. "Here's to Jesse" I blush and we *clink* our glasses together. I drink the substance and feel a burn rush down my throat. It's hard to swallow it hurts but I do. I start coughing and Liam passes me a lemon which I gladly take.

"Was that your first drink?" I nod my head. "Well shit we could of picked a better first drink then vodka" I laugh at him felling a tad loosen up.

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