2 Weeks Later.
"Okay I know we've been doing a lot of creative writing getting your mind working with different concepts but I would like to tell you all we are having a play" the whole room starts cheering and I bang my head on my table. I hear Harry laugh next to me but I don't care. "The play is going to be called Second Chance" everyone claps but they don't even know what it's about yet.
"What's it about?" Some kid in front of the class ask. Finally someone smart.
"Well we all have a moment in our life where you just want a second chance whether it's telling someone you loved them before it's to late or even as simple as trying that delicious pie you refused to have" everyone nods their head.
"In this play we want a second chance of life, a better life we're going to have 2 main characters one boy and one girl but it's not going to be just auditioning"
The bell goes off signaling schools over. Oo Save by the bell.
"Okay we'll finish talking about it tomorrow"
We all pack up our stuff. Just as I'm about to lift up my notebook some loose papers fall out. I huff and start picking them up.
"Someone's clumsy today" and someone needs to shut up today.
"Yeah" he helps me pick up the papers and I thank him.
"Jesse do you think I could talk to you?" I turn to mister teacher sir and nod my head.
"I'm going to wait outside" I nod my head again at Harry and turn towards teachers desk.
"Is their something wrong?" I question him my anxiety kicking in.
"Oh no I just wanted to tell you that your writing is really good and I wanted to know if you wanted to help me write the scrip?"
I look at him shocked. I didn't think my writing was any good but it is one of my passions that I tend to put it on the back burner. I'm not very confident about things so I always single myself out as below average. I know it's wrong but it's just how I am.
"You'll get extra credit" he blurts out I think he thinks I'll say no. Well I am taking long to answer.
"Yes I'll help you this actually means a lot to me keeping my busy" I smile at him and he smiles widely at me.
"Okay it's a deal we need to scrip done by umm the middle of November should be good so it gives us about a month to write it"
"Okay thank you for this opportunity" I turn to walk out the door smiling like an idiot.
To many people this wouldn't be that big of a deal but to me it means more then anyone would understand. Plus, it'll keep my busy help me forget about things.
"Jess what did he want?" I look up at Harry and immediately stop smiling.
I'm not mad at him but deep down I feel more then mad. I just keep hiding my feeling. I still talk to him I still hang out with him but it's just not the same. Something feels off and I think it's because he lied. I don't know if I could tell him anything anymore. Just because of a stupid lie. I wish I could just forget about it but in the back of my mind I keep thinking if he lied about this what else has he lied about? Should I even believe him? Which is the lie? I don't know.
"He wants me to help write the scrip" I fiddle with my fingers.
"That's great Jess" I smile a little to myself. "We should celebrate we could go out to ea-"
"I don't really feel good Harry I just wanted to stay home"
"Oh okay then we could just order food and stay in" I feel bad for just shutting him down but I'm scared to let myself believe him ever again. With Harry it's the most I've ever gave someone. I usually don't even allow people to see inside my life but he saw more then just my life we saw my scars he comforted me when gramps passes he held me while I cried. Something, I put something into him that made me weak around him. He saw me at my worst for me to get what in return, lied to. A simple stupid lie why can't I just trust him when he told me.

Revive [Harry Styles]
Fanfiction"I can't trust you, I can't listen to you, I can't believe you. I want nothing to do with you get the fuck out of my life Harry!" I yell at him while tears start forming in my eyes but I blink them away quickly. I will not be weak not now not after...