Harry picks up the razor and puts it to his wrist and I cry harder.
" Ha-Harry wh-what are you doing?" I stutter trying to stop crying.
"Whenever you cut I'm gonna cut" he shuts his eyes tightly and before I could stop him he cuts himself. "Fuck that hurt more then I thought it would" he yells out.
I'm shaking and can't control my breathing. I'm so focused on why he actually did that. He tilts my head up holding my cheeks. While we stare deeply into each others eyes.
"Why did you do that?" I ask him hoping to get a answer.
"I told you if you cut so will I I don't want you to be hurting yourself please talk to me you can trust me I promise I won't hurt you" he wipes the tears that are leaving my eyes. "I will catch every single one of these tears I won't let one drop I'll protect you" the way he's holding me and taking care of me almost makes me believe him.
"Ca-can you leave please I want to be left alone" I say regreting the words once they leave me mouth. How can I be so heart less he just cut himself for me and I tell him to leave. Fuck you Jesse.
He looks surprised by what I told him and honestly I am to I want him to stay but I can't trust him I barely met him. If I can't trust the people who made me I'm sure as hell can't believing him.
"Oh yeah uh I understand I'll uh text you later" he scratches his neck awkwardly turing on his heels. Before he takes another step I pull him back. When I meet his eyes he looks almost relifed. Then I look away.
"Before you go I can clean your cut if you want its the least I can do"
"Oh yeah sure" he sounds disappointed again. It's nothing new to me I always disappoint people I'll never be good enough for anyone.
He sits on the toilet and I wet a cloth with warm water. I dab lightly on the cut to clean all the blood I then but some cream to disinfect it. I finish it off with a plain bandage. When I look up Harrys already looking at me with worried eyes. He pulls my arm a little to tight towards him till I'm a few inches away from his face.
"Thank you and if you ever need me I'll always be here for you" he says holding my hands in his. I feel safe but I also feel scared. I look down and just nod my head. Harry gives me a kiss on the forehead and leaves.
Once I hear the front door shut I let out a breath of air that I didn't know I was holding in. I sit on the toilet for what feels like hours till I force myself to get up and clean myself off.
I walk to my bed and look at the time it's 7 in the morning. I roll over and hold a pillow to my face and just cry. Sobs after sobs they won't stop. I keep crying until my eyes are to puffy to open and snot is running down my nose. I blow my nose and let myself fall to sleep.
For the rest of the week I didn't go to school. Harry would call me but I ignored all this calls and just sent him a text that I'm fine so he'll stop calling. My gramps wasn't doing so well either he's more tired and sick to the limit of no coming back. I've been trying my hardest to take care of him but it's so hard. He keeps telling me he's fine but I know it's a lie.
"Gramps I made you chicken soup to keep you warm I have the heat on and I brought you two more blankets" I tell him forcing a smile.
"Thank you honey it's chilly isn't it?" He barely speaks without coughing his lungs out.
"Yeah it is here start eating the soup it'll sooth your throat" he takes little sips and sighs in relief.
"So do you know what's coming up?" My gramps ask me with a little smirk on his face.

Revive [Harry Styles]
Fanfiction"I can't trust you, I can't listen to you, I can't believe you. I want nothing to do with you get the fuck out of my life Harry!" I yell at him while tears start forming in my eyes but I blink them away quickly. I will not be weak not now not after...