Chapter Six

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  "Do you want any thing to drink or something to eat?" I ask Harry as he walking towards the pictures that are hanging on the walls.

"No I'm okay right now.." he talks in hush tone observing the pictures.

"Okay well I'm going to get my gramps so just make your self at home and I'll be back" I tell him before walking off.

My gramps room is down the hall way towards the right. It's down stairs so he wouldn't have to worry about the wheel chair going up and down. I lightly knock on my gramps room before walking in

"Hey gramps I'm home and umm.. Harry is here we have to work on our project thing together and I wanted to do it here to make sure I'm home in case you need anything" I ramble on so he won't think it's a date thing or anything.

"Okay good I want to meet this young lad to make sure he's good for my grand daughter" he lightly chuckles at the end.

"Gramps noo we're not dating it's for a project"

"I still want to meet him so help me"

"Okay wait a sec" I make my way to the side of his bed and place the wheel chair right besides the bed.

"On the count of three I'm going lift you up one.. two.. three" I carefully lift him up and place him gently on the wheel chair.

"Let's go and please gramps don't embarrasse me"

He chuckles and I know what that means he's going to embarrasse me to the max. I push him down the hall towards the living room where I left Harry. He's no longer looking at the pictures he's siting down on the couch looking at his phone. I put gramps right by his chair and right when I as about to lift him up to put him in the reclining chair Harry stops me.

"Here let me do it" I give him a light nod. And he effortlessly picks up gramps and puts him his chair ever so gently.

"Thanks well Harry this is gramps, gramps this is Harry" they shake each others hands. Gramps looks at him with a huge smile on his face.

"I like this lad already"

"Well thank you sir"

"No please call me Gramps or Paul so what are you intentions with my grand daughter?"

Harry lightly coughs choked up by his words I guess. And I have a face the color of Santa's outfit. Red. I can not belive he said that before Harry has time to answer I do.

"Gramps I told you this is nothing just want to get good grades." I tell him while trying to give him the best angry face I can.

"I belive I was asking this young boy here I want to know his intentions girls and boys are very different" he tells me while looking back and forth between Harry and I. I look over at Harry and he looks incredibly nervous. Why though? I mean my gramps can be scary but theirs nothing to clarify we need to work together for this projects.

Harry clears his through before speaking. "Well sir I mean Paul I have no intentions with her we are friends that got paired up in two of our classes. Now if your asking if I'd ever hurt her in anyway the answer is no. I will be here for her if she ever needs me and I will never push her away." When he finishes he looks at me with a small smile. I can't help but blush a little and look down at my feet.

"Okay that's good to know thank you son I don't want my daughter coming home and telling me you did something to her because if anything happens I will personal higher someone to kick your ass for me and I won't hesitate got it?"

"Yes I understand" Harry looks scared when my gramps stop speaking I mean yeah he can be a little scary at times but he's a great guy. I always thought of my gramps as my dad I was suppose to have and I'm his daughter he never had. I love him.

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