Bonus: A Human Heart (Part 2)

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[Author's Note: Pic is Caladwen. What do you think?]


The sound of my door creaking making me look up from my vanity. A smile rose to my face as I saw naneth coming in with what must be my dress for the royal feast honoring King Elessar and Queen Arwen.

"Hey sweetie," she said, putting a kiss on top of my head after she put my dress on the bed.

Still seated at my vanity chair, I turned my body to give her a hug, letting her comforting rosy scent filling in my nose. When I pulled away a bit, I took a moment to get a good look of her dress.

She was wearing the most exquisite long sleeved silver dress that glinted and changed color to bluish or reddish depending on the angle. The soft material were airy but not thin, and it was cut to mold and fit perfectly to her curves. The neckline of the dress was designed tastefully so that it accentuate her shapely collar bone and neck as she wore her hair up in an elegant but not stiff updo. Two strands of hair as dark as mine spilling delicately at each side of her heart shaped face.

No wonder ada always looked at her like she was the only woman in Arda.

"Wow, nan. You look stunning," I told her, grinning. "Ada would flip."

"Oh, this old thing?" she smirked, hiding the blush that lightly dusted her cheek.

"Please. They're new. They're always new, for grandpa never would let us see another daylight if we come to a feast wearing the same dress."

My naneth's amused laughter rang like bells in my elven ears, and I couldn't help but join her. "Well, look at it this way," she gently turned me to look towards the mirror on my vanity, her dark, gentle eyes searching my face, a tender look on her face, "We'll never run out of dress to wear. It may sound strange but I think making us look good is his way of showing his love." I nodded. "Let's take a look at your dress and put it on, shall we?"

I clapped the tips of my hands and grinned excitedly. As naneth pulled the silky, beige material from its cover, a series of 'ooh's and 'wah!' escaped our lips. Another exquisite dress made by grandpa's trusted seamstress, and this might as well the best design so far. I let naneth help me into the dress, and a tender look passed her expression, looking almost melancholy as she told me how grown up I was.

"Oh come on, nan. It's not like I'm putting on my wedding dress or something of the sort," I comforted her as I saw how emotional she seemed momentarily. "Even if I do, it's not like I'm going anywhere."

"Right," she shook herself. Taking a quick, deep breath. "You're right. I'm just being dramatic. Do you need help with your hair?"

"Yes please, nan. Hannon le."

I closed my eyes as naneth began to gently style my hair. She could easily delegate this trivial task to my handmaiden, but she insisted that she was always the one to do it for me during feasts since forever. In my younger years, I was a shy child, and the thought of getting to parties and feast made me anxious. I remember, she would tell me wild stories of prince and princesses, of fairy tales, or simply talk and sing to me in order to make me forget my worries and comfort me.

But not today. Today, she was silent, a rarity for naneth.

"Are you alright, nana? You're awfully quiet these days," I pointed out, speaking out my concern.

She looked at me through the mirror, giving me a lopsided smile. "I'm alright, love. You know me. It's just the case of Summer coming to an end. I call it the Summer Blues."

I chuckled at these various creative ways my naneth express things.


I dramatically tipped my head left and right to inspect my hair, then wiggled my eyebrows as I look to naneth. "Perfect," I said with a funny accent that I copied from my naneth whilst making an 'ok' sign with my right hand.

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