3. The Hard Truth

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Legolas kindly offered to escort me to Lord Elrond's study, where he left me with Lord Elrond and Gandalf. They both shared the same characteristic: incredibly wise, intelligent, and old. Lord Elrond might look as beautiful and young as an elf supposed to be, though a little older looking, but from his eyes you could tell that he'd seen more than most men, or even elves for that matter.

Right after Legolas left, he and Gandalf greeted me briefly and I thanked them for their hospitality here in Rivendell. Soon after that, we wasted no time and went straight to my unusual predicament. They demanded me to tell them everything I remember about how I got here and how I got the ring in my finger, which was not much.

Both Lord Elrond and Gandalf were good listeners, only nodded several times as I spoke and chirped in at appropriate times. The fact that they were interested in my ring just confirmed my suspicion that the ring I got in my finger right now was no ordinary, and it might as well be responsible for my current problems.

"My dear, Leane. From your stories, I and Gandalf believe that it is not a mere trinket that you carry. I dare to say that it is the Infinity Ring that allowed you to travel between worlds and time," said Lord Elrond ominously, his face grew serious and dark.

Infinity ring. Sounds about right.

"I believe now that your fate is tied to the One ring," he paused, looking at me intently and studied me. At this point Gandalf spoke up in an equally serious tone, but with gentleness that reminded me a lot of my grandpa.

"Tell me, young one. What do you know about the One ring?" asked the grey wizard.

As soon as he asked the question, I knew right away that he meant the evil ring, not my Infinity ring. I knew better than to lie, so I replied honestly, though choosing my words carefully.

"All I know right now, is that the ring is Sauron's and it is altogether evil and that needs to be destroyed. I know the fate of Middle Earth is counting on it," I answered steadily, though deep down I wondered to myself how I ended up talking to these two fictional characters that I could only dream about before.

"You know about the fate of the ring and those whose fate tied with it." Elrond spoke, and it wasn't a question. He knew that I knew. My heart skipped a beat at his statement.

"Yes," I confirmed almost whispering, fighting the chagrin that almost showed on my facial expression.

I looked away, unable to meet their intense, calculating eyes. However, I felt that I need to tell them what I think about this knowledge.

"I think it was an accident that I was brought here. I- I was never supposed to be in the picture. I'm afraid me being here would mess with the fate of everyone else's, and I can't even think of the consequences that may come with it," I added carefully, wishing for them to understand my point of view.

"I need to get home," I said with determination, willing myself to look at their eyes. At the mention of home, I saw Lord Elrond's expression turned into pity and Gandalf giving me a soft look.

I sighed inwardly. I think that these days I was bound to either got that curious look, weird look or pity look. Either way, I didn't like attention and I still don't. Gandalf spoke up after a few moments silence that hung between the three of us.

"You know the fate of everyone else, yet you don't possess the knowledge of your own fate," he stated. I nodded in confirmation and let the old wizard continue, "This is not a surprise for me, since the Valar never given anyone a full prophecy, even to someone such as Lady Galadriel herself, thus preventing the gifted ones from developing pride," he explained with a kind smile.

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