24. The Messenger

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I spent many of my spare time looking out in the distance from where the entrance of Edoras was.

One day, Legolas, who was relieved from duty approached me from behind silently. By this time, my head was clear and my senses of the other's emotions was heightened. I could feel Legolas' calm emotions like a pleasant ocean in the breeze of a sunny day. I smiled.

"Didn't I tell you not to sneak around behind people?" I said without turning my back to him.

Legolas stood beside me and regarded me with a surprised look.

"How do you know I was coming? I was sure I didn't make a sound."

"I sense your emotion."

"Aye, I understand your gift, but it still does not explain how you know that it was me. It could be anyone," he said, taking my hand in his.

"Imagine emotions like voices as if you can hear them. Mostly normal emotions feel like soft whispers, mutters, while the strong ones was like shouts, thundering exclamations," I explained as best as I could. "Yours right now," I said, looking up to his beautiful eyes, smiling, "...it whispers to me like... the sound of the sea."

"The sound of the sea," he repeated. He smiled serenely and kissed my temple.

"Emotions like sounds, can be distinguished from one another, especially if I'm already familiar with it."

"You are a fascinating creature, melleth nin," he said rubbing my cheek. I blushed lightly and opted to look away to the distance again.

"You made me sound like a unicorn," I mumbled, smiling.

"I'm afraid I don't understand that reference."

"It's a mythical white horse with a single horn on its head. You don't have one of those in here?"

That silly question elicited a chuckle from the handsome elf, his eyes dancing with mirth. "I do not believe so."

"That's too bad. I came all the way to this magical world but no unicorn. Shame."

"Tell me more about this unicorn."

"Well where I come from there's this tale about a bunch of unicorns. They are graceful and beautiful, not to mention smart and powerful. Their names are Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity," I said with an amused grin. 

"Are you making those names up, melleth nin? They sound like fancy food names," commented Legolas with a serious but innocent face. I chuckled.

"No. Those are their names. Together they are the protectors of the Ponyville."

"Ponyville," Legolas repeated, chuckling in amusement. "Shouldn't it be called Unicornville? I thought they are unicorns, not ponies."

"Hey, I don't come up with the story," I laughed softly, elbowing his side lightly. Legolas only chuckled, both of us enjoying our silly banter.

"How are you feeling today? Are you still in pain?" he asked and squeezed my hand.

"Not anymore. It lessened greatly."

Legolas sighed. "I wish I could be with you and not leaving you so frequently these days. Goheno nin, my love," he apologized.

I gazed at him with admiration. What have I done that I got him? I must have done something so right in my life. I let go of his hand and put both my arms on his waist and embraced him. I could feel his love for me emanating off of him, warming my heart. I hugged him tighter as he embraced me back lightly, seemingly afraid to break me or something.

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