Bonus: High Elf (One-shot)

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[Author’s Note: In which Legolas came home sustaining an injury and Leane took care of him. Much floof. Heccin sweet]


Leane watched Legolas’ expression carefully as she gently undressed him. The fair elf warrior had his eyes momentarily fluttered close, his jaw tightened though she knew–she knew he was in pain, but his expression betrayed nothing.

As the last of his top were finally being peeled off of him, she saw the bandage around his right shoulder and gasped at seeing the white fabric being soaked by red.

“Legolas,” she breathed with dread, her heart plummeted to her stomach, “This is not nothing!” she cried.

Legolas let out an amused chuckle at her expression. “My wife,” he cooed, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand, “Always so dramatic. ‘Tis nothing but a small, non-life threatening injury.”

His wife didn’t respond to that. A dark look had passed her expression, and Legolas knew that she was not listening to him and was thinking of the worst. With his index finger, he tipped her chin up.

“Look at me,” he commanded gently, trying to get her eyes off of his searing shoulder and to his eyes instead. “You’ve had worse,” he reminded her, the memory still fresh and painful in his mind’s eyes, but for her sake he flashed her his boyish grin, “Tis’ nothing but a walk in the park for you. Surely you have the confidence that your husband can endure it too.”

A disturbed frown had long been settled on his beautiful wife’s forehead. He felt her gentle hand rested on his uninjured chest, her innocent touch never failed to send butterflies to flutter in his stomach. “But you’ve never been injured. Not even once during the War of The Ring,” she pointed out, the question in her voice was demanding.

“I’ve been injured before, way long… before you were even born,” he answered sassily, dragging the word ‘long’ to tease her. The elf prince was quite pleased that he came up with such an amusing statement, yet when he saw the murderous glare his wife was shooting him, he began having a second thought.

“Not funny. What happened?” she demanded.

“I wasn’t being careful. An ambush happened. It was supposed to be easy; they were small band of orcs. My party has more number. We are faster. All of us are seasoned warrior.” He shook his head at the memory, a slight look of embarrassment passed his expression, “Pride had gotten in my way.”

Leane frowned. “You can’t do that. An ambush is an ambush, no matter how small your opponents are,” she continued softly this time, “That ignorance could cause someone their life. And yours,” she scolded him. She linked her arm to his left one, hand gently caressing his skin. She looked up at him, “I’m all alone in this world. What happens to me if you’re gone?” she questioned, her expression annoyed, yet the fear and the grieve lurking behind her twinkling eyes did not escape him.

Legolas’ eyes softened at her. “Forgive me. I will be more careful next time,” he apologized sincerely. He was able to fathom the pain he’ll put her through if he was lost. He knew the feeling too well, for death by a broken heart would be his only option if he ever lost her. He knew, because Leane, too, had had her brush with death more times than he deemed normal.

He dared not think more about it.


She stood on her tiptoes and leaned up to him. He smiled and met her halfway, pressing their lips together in a chaste, loving kiss. When they finally broke the kiss, Legolas was looking at her with the reverence that always managed to make his mortal wife’s cheek bloomed in the most delicious way. He took her hand and kissed it before placing it over his heart.

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