1. Lost and Found

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I woke up with a pleasant, warm sunlight on my face and smiled.

Oh, life's good... Five more minutes, please.

I rolled my body and dozed off immediately, but it feels like it was only three seconds when the sound of birds chirping slowly brought my brain to attention.

Strange thing was, I never heard birds chirping coming into my room even in the morning. LA was far too noisy for that. Maybe my neighbor bought a new pet?

The smell of the fresh soil and grass beneath me pleased me and confused me at the same time. My eyes jolted open and realization dawned on me. This is not my bed.

This is. Not. My bed. Where the heck is my bed?

In an instant I was up. My eyes scanned my surroundings and my mind was on high alert. I was definitely not in my room. Questions hit me, flooding on my head, confusion and disbelief brought my jaw to drop and hang open.

I just slept on the ground. In what seemed to resemble a forest. What on earth-

I had no recollection of how I got here or what happened last time. Did someone drugged me and kidnapped me and brought me to a forest?

My eyes went wide like a saucer and I checked my clothes as well as my body. I released a breath that I didn't realize was holding, realizing that I was fine. My shirt was intact, no sign of abuse or assault. I shuddered at the thought.

Speaking of horror thriller.

This was not making any sense. I pinched myself, slap my face lightly. Was I dreaming? Well if this was a dream then what a lovely dream to wake up in the most peaceful, beautiful forest like I never saw before. The air was so clean and crisp, although a little bit chilly, this forest seriously enthralled me; it was as if I woke up in an untouched, magical forest. An enchanted forest, like in Disney. The fact that I knew that I was completely alone here was very refreshing. After a while enjoying the sightseeing, I sighed. Now, back to the situation.

How did I get here? What happened? How do I get back home? I frantically patted my jeans pocket to search for my phone.

I never slept with my phone on the pocket; of course I didn't have it with me. Heck, I had never slept with shirt, jeans and a pair of converse on for that matter. I dug my pockets and found only a couple of one dollar coins and a box of Strawberry Fields Tic Tac.

Damn. I miss my phone. If only I had it with me I could call someone and have them pick me up. Or use GPS to find my way home. Or call 911.

A glint caught my eye. I stared at the silver ring on my finger. I didn't remember owning or wearing a jewelry before. I studied the ring and nodded approvingly at it.

The design was simple and elegant, it had no gem on it, but the carving was intricate and simple at the same time. It was very simple, not so beautiful or grand but just nice to look at.

Then I remembered, like one would remember a dream that she forgotten the night before; I remembered Mike, the old man who gave me this ring. He was very old and homeless.

I remembered him sitting in front of a café by the sidewalk, with his equally sad dog in rugged clothes. He shuddered, looking cold sitting outside in the chilly autumn wind. I felt sorry for him, but walked past him, trying hard not to stare and show my pitying look at him and his dog. Didn't think I would like to see people look at me with such pity. I entered the new café that I have never visited before.

I ordered a cup of nice hot chocolate and walked outside. I looked at my hot chocolate almost too fondly, knowing I was going to need it to cheer up my working hour in the office.

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