39. The Worst Assumption

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"Goheno nin... Leane..."

I woke up with a scream upon the horrible nightmare that came from the memory of the vision; my eyes blurred with tears.

I scanned my unfamiliar surroundings. The room was luxurious with white painted its wall. Intricate engraving of silver trees was rimming the wall elegantly.

Where are the others? Where is Legolas?

I felt as if someone had punched me in the gut. I didn't see any of them in the battlefield. I didn't see the Ringwraith being defeated there.

I stumbled out of bed and ran to any random direction. I had to find my companions; I had to make sure they were alright. The city was busy with people scurrying around, some of them were wounded soldiers.

"Do you see Aragorn? Do you see the dwarf and the elf?" I asked, but people were either shaking their heads or rather were too stunned to answer me. The way they looked at me was unsettling. I wondered if I had something smearing my face.

Or maybe I had gone mental. Maybe I was imagining all of this, all this life.

However I couldn't care less. Ignoring my fatigue, I kept my feet moving, searching for the only ones I care about. The only ones that I've got in this world: My friends. My family.

My Legolas.

I was lost. I didn't know where I was going, and it seemed as if I had searched around the city but I felt like I was going in circle. Everything looked the same. My head throbbed painfully, but I ignored it. Tears started to build up in my eyes again until a soft golden colors caught my eye. My heart fluttered at the sight.

His back was turned at me, his glowing blonde hair long and braided partially, cascading down his shoulders elegantly. He was perfect, even when I didn't see his face.


I smiled as I touched his shoulder. The elf turned his body, icy blue eyes looking down at me. 

But that eyes; that face wasn't the one I was yearning for. I felt hope trampled harshly inside my heart as disappointment hit me.

The elf was unfamiliar to me. He was uncharacteristically handsome, much like any other elves I met, but he carried a charisma of power and authority that was very tangible. His eyes was icy blue that reminded me a lot of Legolas, yet it was colder and somehow harsher. They were staring at me, as if judging me silently under a microscope with a slight curiosity and suspicion. Like I was an alien specimen.

I was dumbfounded.

He squinted his eyes in inquiry and I mustered an explanation as best as I could. I swallowed thickly.

"I-I'm sorry," I croaked, "I thought you were someone else."

The glorious elf arched a dark eyebrow slightly at me, his expression didn't give away anything. He seemed to be unimpressed by my answer, yet he replied politely.

"'Tis alright, my lady," he replied flatly, his voice melodious but it was rather indifferent, almost smug and judging.

His intimidating eyes fixed intently on my face, as if finding something highly unusual on it. I fidgeted and shifted my weight uncomfortably as I grew uneasy. The look he gave me was even worse than the ones the people I passed gave me.

I decided to distract him and myself by starting a small talk.

"So um... I had never seen another elf here before. You must have come a long way from home, my lord," I said.

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