Bonus: The Snow Of Erintion (One-shot)

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Sharp, icy blue eyes that seemed as if they could penetrate the depths of anyone’s soul scanned the entirety of the environment. Past the crowds, past the decorations marking the month of Erintion. The festival of love and music, as always, filled with myriad of colors. The ellith were wearing flowery wreaths upon their heads; couples dancing along to the music; little elflings running around blowing paper trumpets while being chased by their frustrated parents.

But amongst them, Legolas couldn’t find the only one his heart had been searching for ever since his journey home back from Gondor. The elf prince only bothered to exchange brief conversations with some honor guests and officials in the midst of his search. It frustrated him, yet as the crown prince he was expected to at least show respect to his people.

His keen eyes caught the sight of Indossa, his father’s seer and advisor. He quickly intercepted him.

“At last!” said Indossa with a genuine smile as he greeted Legolas, “My prince! You have returned, just in time for the festival.”

“Aye, Indossa. I like what you’ve done with the place,” joked Legolas lightly to which the wise Mirkwood elf chuckled.

“Ah. I might be the king’s advisor, but the whole merriment did not come from me. It was all thanks to Arliseä. I have yet to grow the taste of… pinks,” the kind elf returned his prince good humor with one of his own. Indossa watched as Legolas returned his humor with one of his smile of amusement, but the perceptive elf could see that there was something else in his prince’s mind. “Do tell, my prince. Surely you don’t stop me from dancing with my wife just to talk about the decorations.”

The edge of the warrior prince’s lips turned up at that. “Goheno nin (I’m sorry), Indossa. I was wondering if you could tell me where my wife is, for I do not see her anywhere since I arrived.”

“She left just moments ago. I saw her walking with a determination— I have the vaguest idea of what project her highness is doing right now, but I think she is up to something,” informed Indossa rather cheerfully.

Legolas grinned at the information. It does sound like his Leane, for she couldn’t stay still. She always came up with new projects— whether songs, music arrangements, cooking recipes, to weapon recipes (which she called ‘bombs’ but later on decided to forget entirely for fearing it being used for harm)—whatever it is, it has never failed to impress.

With a fluid movement, Indossa gestured with his hand towards an elleth, “I think your wife’s handmaiden can tell you where she is—Sylvana.”

The said elleth turned around, and upon seeing both Indossa and Prince Legolas, she came up to them with a beam and a slight bow of the head. “A! It is so good to see you, Prince Legolas. I trust you had a good journey?”

Legolas wanted to sigh. Another small talk. “Aye, Sylvana. Hannon le (thank you).”

“Let me cut to the chase, my prince,” she replied knowingly, her eyes glinted rather amusedly seeing the impatience in her prince’s eyes. “The princess is taking her horse to the lake.”

At this information, both Indossa and Prince Legolas frowned. “Sylvanna, it’s Winter. She might be immortal but never forget that she is still human,” pointed out Legolas with worry and disapproval in his voice.

“Forgive me, my prince. It was Princess Leane’s order for me to stay behind, though she promised to return before sun down. I made sure that she was wearing enough clothing to keep herself warm.”

Legolas sighed wearily. In his eyes, Sylvana was reckless for letting Leane go on her own. But again, he couldn’t deny that Sylvana was Leane’s handmaiden and that means she answered to her only. Not him.

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