Bonus: Love And Be Loved In Return

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[Author's Note: Feel free to listen to the video as you read. It's relevant, you'll see. Happy reading!]



How it changes the way one sees the time.

I had been living amongst the elves for over fifty years now, and as I did so, time seemed as if they flew by so fast right before my eyes.

So fast, that I just realized how Asher and Caladwen, my two beautiful children, were now already able to run around the castle, spreading terror and laughter to poor inhabitants of Thranduil's kingdom.

Even now when my dashing little boy ran up to me as fast as his little feet allowed, I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of mischief he had gotten into, and what his plan was.

That smirk couldn’t mean anything good.

“Nana, would you like to know a secret?” Asher asked me with his childlike voice, icy blue eyes glinted with mischief as if hinting that what he had up his sleeve was something very juicy.

I hope it’s not something literally juicy. Eww, boys, I thought rather amusedly, remembering that one time when Asher tricked me into putting a slimy, fat worm in my hand.

“If you pull my leg again, you’re going to be grounded for the rest of your life, young man,” I warned him playfully. I crouched to his eye level, pulling him to me and simply hugged him close. He chuckled adorably at this. I kissed his chubby cheek and proceeded to lightly squish the apple of his cheek. He pushed my hand away with his little, chubby fingers as if trying to remove the distraction. Asher wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me to him to relay a secret message.

“I found a secret door, nana,” he whispered to my ear with much drama, “I think the door leads to infinite adventure!”

“You’re not exactly being subtle there, Ashy,” a soft, tinkling small voice that belonged to my daughter made my smile grew wider, “I can hear what you said from here.”

As Asher huffed, I took the time to also pull Caladwen closer to me and hugged her close to my right. I reveled on how gentle the dark haired little girl was as she returned my hug with one of hers and planted a wet kiss to my cheek. On my left, Asher snorted, “Well, you already know it so I don’t have to keep it secret from you,” he shrugged his little shoulders.

Silence filled the throne room as two elflings looked at me expectantly. I feigned an expression as if I was thinking about it before letting the tips of my lips pulled up into a smile.

“Alright. You got me interested,” I replied with a grin, “So what did you find behind your secret door?”

Asher's face fell a little. “We don’t know yet,” he answered sadly. “I wanted to enter, but Caladwen did not let me,” he mumbled, looking at his sister with a pout.

“It’s too dark behind the door, nana,” defended my lovely little girl, her beautiful baby face contorted into concern, “What if a balrog lives there, nan? I don’t want it to hurt us,” she pleaded her case.

“Balrog?” I questioned in surprise, “Where did you even hear about that?”

“Gandalf. He said he killed one. It is a dark creature that is so so big and lives in a dark, deep place, with body made of fire and horns like the devil!” Caladwen latched herself to me, holding me tight, “I’m scared.”

I ran my hand up and down her small back comfortingly. “It’s alright, baby. I got you,” I cooed soothingly. “Gandalf is too dramatic. Besides, grandpa’s wrath would scare a balrog to death. A balrog knows better than to provoke the king's anger. They’ll stay away.”

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