27. Through The Eagle's Eyes

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My eyes fluttered open and snapped back to close at the momentarily overwhelming sunlight. When I opened my eyes, Legolas was smiling down at me lovingly with contentment etched on his relaxed face.

I couldn't help but smiled back at him.

"Quel amrun (good morning), melleth nin," he greeted me and planted a kiss on my cheek.

I blushed. I definitely could get used to waking up with him greeting me in Sindarin. The beautiful language rolled off his tongue beautifully. The sunlight showered his face partially and formed a halo around his golden hair that seemed to be almost transparent.

"Quel amrun, aur nin," I replied back.

"Aur nin. My sunshine," answered Legolas, "That is new. I like it," he commented cheerfully, immensely pleased at my new nickname invention for him. I should call him that often.

I pecked him on the lips and he beamed at me. He put his hand on my face and kissed me tenderly. I savored that bit moment of peace and contentment, wrapping my arms around him.

But the world just hated me. Legolas suddenly tensed and in an instant I felt a sense of loss as he was already up, taking his sword, bow and quiver with him.

"Someone's coming," he said hastily, "I will not risk anyone to find us spend the night together and smear your honor in the process."

My jaw dropped in realization and I nodded frantically, "Oh," I replied dumbly.

Legolas saw my confused and disappointed face and smiled knowingly at me, "I will come back for you, melleth nin. I will be by your door in five minutes."

With that, he smirked handsomely and opened the window of my room and jumped out of it with ease and grace. One would think he was dancing, performing his epic, grand exit.

Who would've thought that I would smuggle a boy to my room at night and have him sneak out in the morning through the window?

I got out of the bed and to the window sill, looking out. It was high down there and I was glad to find no trace of Legolas on the ground. It meant he made it safely to wherever his window was supposed to be. Legolas was officially a ninja.

A knock came from my door and I let the person enter.

Eowyn was smiling at me warmly and I returned it with a genuine one. We talked briefly, she apologized for not being able to meet me yesterday because she was busy. I waved it away, telling her that it didn't was not a problem.

Then the true reason of her visit was revealed. She was looking for my confirmation about Aragorn's death. The shadow that was following me yesterday came back. I was at loss and said nothing. Aragorn was not dead; this was my faith, but I couldn't tell her that.

Sorrow filled her eyes at my lack of response and she swallowed thickly. She looked like she was going to cry but in a snap she put up a weak smile and let the matter go. She was about to open her mouth before another knock sounded from my door.

"Come in," I said.

Legolas strode into my room, his attire changed, immaculate and fresh. His expression was blank and his breathing steady. I marveled at how good he was at manipulating others. 

But not me. For the first time in my life I was glad to have this emotion sensing gift, because Legolas was one of those people who could pull a perfect poker face. So despite his impassive look, I could sense his slight amusement and relief. 

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