15. Into The Mirror

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The next day I spent my time exploring Lothlorien by myself. Normally I would find Legolas and have a nice walk and chat with him for hours, but since what happened yesterday I actively avoiding him. Partly because I was still too embarrassed of my reaction to his actions; partly because I needed time to inspect my feelings towards him. What he'd done and said yesterday stirred an unexpected and unwelcomed feelings inside of me.

At the very beginning I always drilled into my mind to never have any romantic feelings towards my male companions. Deep down, I still hoped that someday I could still go home, and a romantic relationship would complicate things. Especially for Legolas, because from what I gathered, elves only fall in love once in their lifetime. If I were Legolas, I wouldn't fall in love with a mortal whose lifetime was only a tiny fraction of his.

I was confused. What were these feelings I have for him now? Maybe I became too dependent on him, my best friend, that I began to fall for him? Or this was a Stockholm Syndrome, in which the Fellowship kinda kidnapped me and I began to sympathize too much with one of my kidnapper? Maybe this was a beginning of an infatuation, which I knew always gone bad in the end.

That was possible. Getting infatuated to someone as alluring as Legolas was very easy, like letting yourself being pulled by gravity.

Wait, did I just used the word 'alluring' to describe Legolas?

Yesterday's afternoon was clear in my mind, the picture of him next to me behind the piano, his brilliant icy blue eyes boring into me shamelessly with such admiration and another kind of emotion that I couldn't put my hands on. He told me how beautiful I was and at that moment, I believed him. His finger caressing my cheek...

No, no, no! Bad thought! Bad thought! Somebody get me a can opener and get Legolas out of my head!

I grunted and groaned to myself as I walked alone. A couple of Lothlorien elves who happened to be around glanced at my direction, giving me an odd look. They were far away from me, but their super hearing caught my sudden grunts. I blushed in embarrassment. They probably thought I was mentally challenged.

I went towards the outskirts of the city for a couple hours, looking for solitude. I stopped in my track as I saw a small, beautiful meadow. My mouth hung open in awe; my eyes as wide as saucer.

The meadow was very lovely.

For a moment I forgot all the thought of Legolas and squealed in happiness at my finding. I giggled like a child. Finally, I have my own happy place! I had always wanted to have a secret place for me to be able to hang around by myself, away from everything else for so long. Being a part of the Fellowship meant that I rarely get a moment or place to myself.

I plopped down on the puffy grass and laid my head on my both hands behind my neck. I saw white puffy clouds as they moved slowly like snails on a clear blue sky as its background. This was peace and contentment.

I woke up with a little tap on my shoulder. Seeing an unfamiliar face, I jumped and sat in surprise. Haldir, the captain of the Lothlorien army looked at me with his eyebrows arched.

Oh god. I hope I didn't snore. Shit, did I drool? I was too deep in my nap.

"My lady, forgive me to wake you so suddenly. Lady Galadriel asked me to find you and tell you that she is ready to see you now," he said stoically.

"Uh... alright," I said dumbly. Sleep still clouding my bleary eyes.

Haldir offered me his hand to help me up and I gratefully took it. I gave the elf a small smile.

"Hannon le, Haldir," I said with a smile.

"You speak Sindarin?" he asked in surprise as we started walking back.

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