Bonus: A Human Heart (Part 5)

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The sun was shining through the blinds in our chamber when I finally decided to open my eyes. What happened last night must had taken its toll on me, for I knew from the way the sun was already high at its peak, that it was midday, and I was probably asleep for more than fourteen hours.

I remained still on the bed, relieved that I wasn't dead. But as soon as I saw that I was still wearing the silver dress from last night, I bolted up right on the mattress, slinging my legs down and let my hands searched my back and pulled down the zipper–violently.

I knew the dress was beautiful, and it didn't deserve such hate, but despite how unrealistic my fear was, in my head, it was that dress that had grown and slithered around my neck, chocking me to death.

The dress, of course, easily pulled off of me, unlike the imaginary evil snake-dress that clung to my skin last night.

I sat there at the edge of the bed with a sigh, half naked, staring at the pile of the gorgeous dress on the floor wistfully. The only thing I could think about was how gorgeous that dress was, and how it almost got me an 'action' with my hot supermodel husband. I still had not forgotten the way Legolas eyed me darkly in that.

Too bad it was an evil dress.

The bedside next to me shifted, and I jumped when I felt a pair of arms circling my shoulders from behind. But the moment I felt the thrum of comfort he sent down our bond, I relaxed and sunk into his embrace.

"You look better," Legolas said softly, smiling sweetly for me.

"Why, because I'm practically naked?"

"Nay, because you're no longer pale."


"Though I must say, you're still a bit cold," he said with worry in his eyes as he felt my forehead with his hand.

I have no idea why I couldn't take him seriously–not when he was glowing so beautifully under the sun. "Maybe I just need you to warm me up."

Legolas gave me a look. "Control yourself."

A giggle broke out of me, and Legolas smiled lovingly as he kissed my cheek. "I'll get you your sleeping gown."

"No," I pulled his arm, pulling him down to the bed. Then I began unbuttoning his shirt, "Give this shirt to me instead," I said as I got to the last button and slid the tunic off of his shoulders, "They look airy and comfy." He sighed and humored me, giving up his tunic. I put it on and buttoned three buttons on the middle, sighed happily then kissed his lips briefly in thanks. "You go get another shirt."

He shook his head at me, finally letting out an amused smile. "Good thing I have a vast collection of shirts and tunics in our closet," he said getting up, and I watched the way the muscles on his back rippled beautifully as he walked. "You stole my shirt all the time."

I chuckled and plopped myself on the bed. When he returned, I watched him wistfully.


"I was hoping you weren't listening to me. You look good shirtless."

"As are you. But I rather not be distracted when I'm actually trying to talk to you."

There was something in Legolas eyes, a concealed disturbed look in his expression that would usually meant that he was about to discuss something that was more serious than he let up. I propped myself up on my elbow.

"What is it?" I asked. "Is it about last night?"


"Did any of our guests or Thranduil told you?" I asked anxiously. "I'm sorry I left in such manner. I didn't mean to be rude to anyone," I explained, "I wasn't feeling like myself then. I think I was just exhausted, that's why I retired early to our chamber."

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