33. My Pissed Off Companions

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The next morning I arrived at the dining hall, my companions greeted me by demanding me to tell them what had happened last night. Turned out at some point that night Legolas had sneaked out and told Aragorn, who told the rest of the Fellowship of what happened. Now they all stared at me in inquiry. I sighed.

"Why must you tell them about what happened?" I complained at Legolas who looked rather impassive.

"They deserve to know," answered Legolas flatly.

"You are part of the Fellowship and we will do whatever it takes to defend you should anyone try to harm you," added Aragorn looking at me, "Now tell us what happened."

"And do not leave any details behind!" added Gimli with a grunt, his eyes squinted at me as if warning me.

I sighed. Usually back in my world, my friends wouldn't make such a big deal out of this, not like the way my companions seemed to do.

"Just so you know, I kicked his butt last night. He was lucky my weapons weren't anywhere near me, or else I might've killed him," I blurted with a smug smile, hoping to make my friends relax.

But alas, none of them showed any amusement or humor; if anything they grew to be more tensed than before. Probably imagining me being pinned, unarmed against an armed guy almost twice my size.

I facepalmed myself inwardly for my stupidity. 

Upon their persuasion, I started recounted to them the my side of the story, and when I was finished, they all were silent and looked angry. I shrugged, digging into my plate and ate my food.

"Show me your wrist," ordered Aragorn.

"No," I objected. "It's nothing. You all taking this way too seriously. Jeez. Relax," I said lightly, bringing my spoon to my mouth.

Legolas stopped me and took my spoon away. I protested.


The elf brought my hand on the table carefully and rolled my sleeve to let everyone see the red hand print on it. I clasped my other hand to cover the marks when I saw my friends' expression darkened.

It baffled me. They really were taking this seriously. 

Aragorn pursed his lips. He looked pissed as he put down his cutlery and stood up. Gimli and the hobbits also stood to follow him.

"Legolas, take Leane to see the healer. We will take this matter to Eomer and find her attacker," ordered Aragorn. Legolas nodded. Then Aragorn turned his eyes to me.

"I promise you he will pay for what he has done."

My eyes widened in horror. 

Holy shit. This was as equal as bringing the matter to the court. I stood and walked around the table to hold Aragorn back.

"Look, there's no harm done. He didn't hurt me. The bruise is nothing. You know I had worse than that," I told him chuckling nervously. "There is no need taking this matter further. It's nothing, Aragorn," I said with conviction.

Aragorn looked at me in disbelief and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Leane. This is not a small matter. What he did was disgraceful and as the leader of the Fellowship I will not just stand here and do nothing after the mockery that he did to you," he spat as his eyes stormed in anger.

"Lass, he assaulted you. Think what he would've done to you if you weren't able to defend yourself last night! He attacked you with a sword and you were unarmed!" growled Gimli angrily.

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