35. A Token Of Love

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A few days had passed since Gandalf and Pippin rode for Minas Tirith. I had been spending my time mostly with Leane, or with Estel and Gimli. We were anxiously waiting for the beacon of Gondor to lit.

I had used the time given to us by teaching Leane how to ride a horse. She was truly intrigued with them. Her gift stretched out to sensing animal's emotions as well.

I remembered the first time she laid a hand on and patted a stallion. A childlike amazement etched across her pretty face, her eyes slightly widened and she blinked several times. She could read animal's minds.

"No, I don't read their minds. I just feel what they think. It's just that they relied so much on their feelings that I can tune into them. Unlike us, people, we relied both on our hearts and our minds. But them," she said as she patted the white stallion lightly, "Their feelings were just plain and simple and there's something pure and innocent about them... Like babies."

I smiled as she explained about how it was like for her to feel the animal's emotions. She had been very passionate and sensitive towards everyone else's feelings, that I was not surprised to discover that she could sense the animals as well.

"That's amazing, my love. I could tell what my horse feel, if they're hungry, tired, scared or happy but not to that level," I said.

"Finally something I can do that you can't do," chirped Leane as she nudged me playfully. I chuckled. 

I knew how she felt about elves. She thought that it was unfair that our race had several more advantages than humans, like the lightness of our feet, our enhanced hearing and sights, and also, quoting her, our untangled hair. Her choice of words to describe my kin was so funny that I had laughed so hard the first time I heard her.

I was brushing Arod, my horse, while Leane patted him on the nose.

"Keep doing that," she said suddenly, "Arod likes it when you brushed him slightly rougher on that spot on his back."

I smiled in amusement at that, finding it funny. Leane was just odd and different than any other females I had ever encountered. She was very intriguing and attractive at the same time. Her smile and laughter was always infectious wherever she was, and I seemed to be always pulled towards her.

"Tell me, does he ever feel ticklish somewhere else?" I asked her jokingly.

"Yes. Earlier he felt ticklish when you brushed his neck too lightly," she answered seriously as she stroke Arod's mane, unaware that I was joking with her.

She stared at Arod with wonder in her eyes; a look that I wouldn't ever get tired to see. There was something childlike and innocent in the way her doe eyes studied something that amazed her.

I took my time and stared at her for a while. She was wearing a simple green tunic with black tights that showed off her slender thighs and legs. It disappeared beneath her leather combat boots. Her black hair rimmed her beautiful face and cute freckles adorned her fair skin. Her warm, dark brown orbs seemed to light up with life and curiosity as she cast her eyes on Arod.

"You have been staring at Arod for far too long, melleth nin, you barely even turn to look at me. I couldn't help but feeling slightly abandoned and forgotten. Does your gift sense my jealousy there from where you are standing?" I asked playfully, pretending to look hurt.

Though I was joking, deep down I knew that some part of the jokes I told her was true. She had been staring at Arod too long, and I missed her beautiful doe eyes looking into mine, staring into my soul.

Leane's amused laughter rang pleasantly in my ears and I smiled cheekily at her. She moved to stand beside me and stood on her tiptoe to kiss my cheek, then she cupped my face and kissed my lips.

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