16. Pledge Of Allegiance

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[Author's Note: If you see this, it means I have put link to music that helps me into mood as I write this chapter. Feel free to listen to them as you read on. Let me know what you think! Happy Reading]


[Warning: This chapter is dark and angsty. It will reveal Leane's past, and her future. I promise the next chapter won't be this dark. And yes this is an author's note.

Disclaimer: All the events and the names written in the story below was purely fiction coming from my imagination and inspiration from some action thriller movies. Any similarities of events or characters are coincidental.]


My name is Leigh Ann Andrews. I am 25 years old.

Years ago I went to college in Los Angeles and graduated from UCLA in 2010 with honor, bearing a cumlaude in law degree. I got job offers from a couple of high end lawyer offices in the city, but ended up taking a job in Washington D.C. to get closer to my mom and brother Jake.

One day, I was informed by my ex boss in LA from The City Administrative Office, that an important lady in Washington was in need for a new personal assistant as her old one retired just recently. I absent mindedly sent him my curriculum vitae and application, not really putting my hopes up to get the job.

Two months later, I was a personal assistant to Ruth Giuliani, who a year later became the one and only Madam Secretary of Defense.

She was a sophisticated middle aged lady with a bob, blonde hair, always styled and combed neatly behind her ears that were always adorned with pearls or another kind of simple yet elegant jewelry.

Her expression were almost always warm and welcoming, though you can see toughness and intelligence swimming in her eyes. Her attire was businesslike and immaculate all the time–she may have always woke up looking like that. She radiated charisma and control. Wherever she went, she would always be accompanied by her two guards, Grant and Luke. Sometimes also by me if necessary.

When I asked her why she picked me as her PA when there were many other candidates who were more competent and more experienced than me, she only smiled lightly.

"Because you're cute," she said with an amused, motherly smile, "I am going to be with my PA everyday, so I won't pick someone who's tensed and serious all the time."

She was kind and patient with me; she taught me all I know, but her job now got even more hectic and stressful, which meant that my job got as hectic and as stressful as well. Being a Secretary of Defense's PA was hard, though on the bright side, I get to glance at the President.

I shook hands with The President more than once! Just letting it out there. Okay.

By four and a half years serving Madam Secretary, I already knew her schedules, likes and dislikes. When to bother her and when to leave her alone. Whether she's in a foul mood or happy. Whether she's hungry or want some tea with only a half spoon of diabetic sugar in it. The point is, I was the second person who understood her well, right after her husband.

I had to work very hard with her, but I also learned so much. I had very little time left for myself and my family, so every time I came home mom always cooked like there's no tomorrow. My brother Jake and his hot girlfriend, Anna, would always be there too and I remember always feeling guilty whenever my phone rang in the middle of our dinner, though they know me being a PA to such an important person, means that being not left alone even on my day off was part of the job desk.

Nevertheless, Ruth treated me like her own daughter. Sometimes I wonder why she cared so much about me. One day I fell ill, but knowing her significant schedules for that day, I forced myself to be there for her and ready to soldier on until at least late at night. But around midday, in the middle of her hectic business, she noticed my predicament and hurriedly asked Luke to drive me to the hospital, leaving her schedule in a mess but she ever insisted for me to get well.

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