43. A Promise

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I was sitting on the chair in front of a table in my room, my fingers conjured out words as well as I'm able, making sure that I poured everything in my mind into the paper before me.

I had been writing a lot since the day I looked into the mirror in Lothlorien. I was determined not to ever forget where I came from and all the good things that came with it. Genellith, the elf who took care of me back in Lothlorien had gifted me with this book that I had been carrying wherever I went. In it, I wrote and drew everything that I could and would like to remember about my previous home.

My fingers scribbled furiously on the thin paper made of animal skin, writing a lyric that I remembered using a quill and an ink. 

Have you ever tried writing using a quill? As gloriously vintage that might sound, it was so frustratingly hard to do, not to mention not practical at all. I made a mental note to make a pencil later when I got the chance; probably try to figure out how to produce papers without having to kill...whatever this paper made of. I could probably sell them and start a business here.

I smirked, knowing that if I do, I would monopolize the stationary business in Middle Earth.

My entrepreneur daydream was rudely interrupted by the quill in my hand that kept on dragging and drying out. I grudgingly dipped the tip into the ink again and tried hard to not crush my only writing instrument.

As maddening as it was to write, it beats talking to the pictures on the walls– hang in there, Joan!

If I'm Anna, would that make Legolas Elsa? Or is it the other way around since I'm the one with unwanted superpower here? I shook my head as Frozen songs began to echo in my head.

Go away, Anna.

My mind traveled back home when I wrote this particular song sang by Gwyneth Paltrouw, titled Coming Home. As vague as the title was, the song really made me homesick.

I missed my family. I missed my apartment. I missed Domino's Pizza. I missed McD. I missed ice cream and burger. Chinese. Italians. Taco Bell. Jelly beans. Coffee. Milkshake. Chocolate. iPhone. Google. Planes. KFC. Donna Karan. Coke. Sprite. Subway. R&B. Jazz. Heck, I even missed Justin Bieber and I never even liked him.

As I wrote, I could feel my fingers and eyes started to lose its functions. My mind wandered and my body demanded sleep. I yawned but kept on writing, putting my head lazily on the table.



I smiled when I saw Leane's room lit up as I walked on the ledge toward its opened window. I hopped inside silently, my eyes trained on the bed, but she wasn't there. 

She was fast asleep in a sitting position on the table. A quill lay limply in her hand, and a book laid open in front of her. She must have been writing before falling asleep.

I smiled as I saw her sleeping form. Her dark hair fanned all around her back, shoulders, and on the table, partially covering her face.

I brushed her dark hair away from her face, tucking it lightly behind her ear. Then my eyes caught on the words written on the page. I carefully pulled the book out of Leane's hand, curiosity led me to read its content.

There were several paragraphs that looked like a poem. I understood its general idea, but not all of the details. The list underneath it, however, were completely alien to me.

The poem was what intrigued me the most. It reminded me of where Leane came from. Sometimes, having her with us like a family this long sometimes made us forget that she was not of this world. A foreigner.

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