21. Nightmares Do Come True

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We had paddled for days now. Then in the midst of the fog, two giant kingly statue greet us with their outstretched hands, as if telling us to stop– to turn back.

"Behold the Argonath." I heard Aragorn say from the boat ahead, "Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old. My kin."

A lump formed in my throat. This was it. Soon the Fellowship will be torn in two. I was silent the whole way, up until we reached the shore to rest at Amon Hen.

"This is the lawn of Parth Gelen. We will cross the lake by nightfall. Hide the boats and continue on foot," declared Aragorn.

"Oh, yes? It's just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil?" Gimli retorted sarcastically, "An impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks! And after that, it gets even better!" I and Pippin looked at Gimli and Aragorn in alarm, as Gimli continued, "Festering, stinking marshlands as far as the eye can see!"

"That is our road." Aragorn confirmed cooly, as if what Gimli pointed out to be our path next was just like a walk in the park, "I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf."

"Recover my–?!" Gimli fumed and growled in frustration. I kept silent, aware by now that Frodo and Boromir was nowhere near us. Any minutes now.

"We should leave now." Legolas suddenly anounced flatly. His stature was tense and his eyes laser focus. His face showed no emotion as his soldier facade showed up since we were set to leave Lothlorien.

"Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for the cover of nightfall," Aragorn stated.

"It is not the eastern shore that worries me," replied Legolas grimly. "A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near. I can feel it."

Make that you and me, mellon nin.

"Where's Frodo?" asked Merry suddenly. 

I got up on my feet, as were the others. Alarm flashed in their eyes and all eyes turned to the spot where Frodo last sat on.

We all decided to split up to look for Frodo, and I insisted on going to look for him myself. Legolas opened his mouth to object, but I shot him my almighty-knowing-thy-fate look and he shut his mouth close.

"Be careful, Leane," said Aragorn before he disappeared behind the trees.

I looked at Legolas who shot me a worried look and said, "I will be here to meet you again soon, if I found Frodo." 

He nodded and his eyes pleaded me to be careful. I nodded as I bore the image of him standing there beside the river into my mind. A foreboding feeling crept up my mind. Then I left.

I didn't think I will meet him again exactly there, because I was on my own mission: to save Boromir.

Heck yeah– I make my own fate. I didn't care even if Lady Galadriel said I couldn't save Boromir. I would still try, because that's what friends do.

I looked around frantically, searching for any sign of Boromir. I tapped into my power to find his emotions and followed it.

The sound of metal clashing came nearer and I picked up my pace, racing to find Boromir. His emotions swirled in the middle of ill, cruel intentions and hostile emotions of Uruk-hai.

I stood behind the shadow under the trees as I watched Boromir fought the Uruk-hai valiantly. I pulled my bow and arrow at ready, my eyes trained on Boromir and Merry and Pippin behind him. I shot several times at orcs who came too close to my friends, some of my shot succeed but some failed. I clenched my jaw in frustration, but kept my eyes focus.

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