41. The Way Of Her People

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"A diversion," I stated in a monotonous tone at Estel's battle strategy. He nodded in confirmation.

"Certainty of death. Small chance of success," said Gimli in sarcasm as he smoked his pipe, "What are we waiting for?"

Leane was chuckling at the dwarf's sarcasm. She knew this suicidal idea would come out of Estel's lips ahead of any of us. Now all eyes were turned to her and she shrugged nonchalantly.

"Nothing can surprise me anymore at this point," she said lightly, lightened up the mood in the room.

These few days since the night Leane admitted her turmoil to me, she had shown significant improvement physically and mentally.

She looked so much stronger now and the color had returned to her skin. She didn't seem to be brooding so much anymore. Even today, she surprised us when she laughed at Pippin's joke about her eyes. She was returning to her old self again.

The bluish hue on her eyes, however, was still there, but it was darkened, surely but slowly returning to its usual deep, dark obsidian orbs that appeared to be twinkling lightly like stars on the dark sky.

Despite her joke, I could see her shoulders slumped slightly, fatigue seemed to came back at her again. I walked silently and approached her sitting form. 

"Melleth nin, are you alright?" I asked her in a whisper as I put a hand on her shoulder. She nodded her head, smiling and sat straighter. 

"It has been our forte, getting into a suicide mission," she said to Estel, grinning lightly. "I'm with the dwarf in this," she said as she raised her brows at Gimli, who chuckled darkly at the notion.

I shot her a disapproving look but she only smiled in amusement at me and squeezed my hand that rested on her shoulder.

Gandalf smiled warmly at me before turning to Estel.

"Sauron will suspect a trap. He will not take the bait," he stated solemnly.

Estel looked at Leane and they both exchanged a knowing look. 

"Oh, I think he will," said Estel confidently.

I looked down at Leane in concern and she gave me a sad smile. Understanding dawned on me. This battle Estel was talking about had to happen.

I closed my eyes in frustration and regret. So many emotions swirled inside of me, each one conflicting with the others.

And most of them was related with the woman sitting beside me.

I opened my eyes as I felt a pair of eyes boring into me and was met with Leane's distracting lopsided smile.

Why was that very attractive? 

My eyes fixed on her beautiful face and I instantly thought about tonight when I can get her alone, kiss her all I want after all this boring and depressing meeting over. 

Leane looked away, a blush graced her pretty face. I was caught staring at her lips, and I inwardly scolded myself. Eru knew how inappropriate my intention was, but I couldn't help it.

After the meeting and the dinner was over, I escorted Leane to her room and slipped in when nobody was around.

"Please tell me that you will not engage in this battle."

Leane turned her body at me at my sudden utterance and smiled.

"I won't. Unless I get another disturbing vision," she muttered lightly and circled her arms around my neck.

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