49. The Wedding Night (Clean)

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[Author's Note: This is the CLEAN, censored version of Legolas and Leane's wedding night. I also published the "grown-up" or the "too-detailed" and the "too much information" version of this chapter in a separated story here for Mature version (check out my other book in my profile that has a smut tag on it or click here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/75166301-legolas-x-oc-lemon-fluffy-smut ) under the chapter "The Wedding Night". Feel free to read it if you like. Read at your own discretion. Enjoy!]


Legolas kissed me affectionately as he held the sides of my face gently. His body was pressing me and I could feel his chest heaving against mine.

My heart was pounding against my chest in anticipation. Soon I would give myself fully to him, and him to me. Love and passion bubbled up in me; that until insecurity peeked behind the curtain of my mind.

I was doomed. I didn't think things through. Was my underwear decent enough? Okay, maybe it was. But, oh my gosh, with the previous feast and dancing; Do I smell? Do I have to take a bath first?

I kicked myself inwardly. However, Legolas, unaware of my internal battle, kept kissing me like nothing else mattered in the world.

I broke our kiss but Legolas' lips kept tracing every other part of my face, sending goosebumps on my skin while the soft pads of his fingers traced my jaw, neck and shoulders. For a split second I was tempted to just keep going and ignore my insecurities, but my self-consciousness prevailed.

"Legolas," I called him in a timid voice.

"Hmm?" was his only answer as he kept kissing me sweetly, ignoring my call.

"Uh... Legolas?" I said again, louder this time and my voice came out shaky.

That got his attention and he stopped the torture his lips inflicted on me. He pulled away a little to search my eyes.

"What is it, Leane?" he asked as his voice turned to concern. "Do you change you mind?"

He moved away from me as he asked those questions and my eyes widened.

"N-no!" I exclaimed, pulling his body close to mine again. "I want this! It's just... I have to warn you about something."

I bet my face was already flushed from our make out session, but it was as if the flush increased because the temperature on my cheek raised another degrees out of embarrassment. If that was even possible.

Legolas smiled in amusement and chuckled, confirming the blush on my face. He pecked my lips lightly and brushed my cheek.

"You will be easy on me, won't you?" he asked, teasing me with a low voice.

How could he tease me at this moment?!

A pleasant shiver ran down my spine. Oh shit. That sassy elf! His voice was like a siren song to me, I instantly forgot what I was about to say and my eyes flickered to anywhere abut his eyes as I spoke.

"You're teasing me," I said pouting. Legolas laughed lightly and asked again. "What is it, my love?"

"I... I just– I'm a human, remember? Human can sweat and I'm sweaty," I blurted, blushing madly.

Legolas chuckled at me. "Do you want a bath, melleth nin?" he asked while kissing my jaw.


Legolas laughed again. "You are an odd human. You care so much about hygiene," he said as his hands stroked my arms. "You still smell lovely, melleth nin."

Legolas kept kissing me and pressed my body down the bed once again as his hands roamed over my arms and to the sides of my body.

A sigh escaped my lips and Legolas deepened the kiss. I couldn't help but returned his kiss with the same excitement, before pulling away again.

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