44. The Black Gate

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"Remember to stay close by my side no matter what happen," Legolas said as we marched side by side on our own horses, along with the rest of the army.

"I will," I replied with a small smile. I was going to be with him 'till the end and fight alongside him. Challenging death one more time.

We were wearing full on armor with the symbol of the white tree of Minas Tirith on the plate of our chests. The same logo that symbolized men's last hope was also on the banner that led us to the Black Gate.

I was nervous and played with my engagement ring absently. I glanced around to look for my companions, making sure they were around. Merry and Pippin were looking at each other in worry. They were scared.

Heck, we were all scared. All but maybe except Legolas.

He looked handsome in the battle armor as he fixed his laser focused eyes foward, only opting once in a while to glance at me, making sure I still follow. His expression gave away nothing but determination and focus– he was all about business today.

The men of Rohan and Gondor were silent. What could be heard was nothing but the sound of horses' hooves and the sound of metal on our armors and swords in its sheaths.

I didn't dare to put my wall down even a little bit unless necessary. Surely the emotions of the army must be too overwhelming if I did. I guess I'll save it later in the heat of the war.

Everything was still except the flapping of the banner against the wind as we reached the Black Gate. I pulled the hood of my cloak to cover my head upon seeing the eye from afar. 

Hatred was all I felt towards it. He started all of this; he put us through hell. I could even still feel Sauron’s malice and darkness without lowering my wall.

Legolas glanced at me and motioned before marching forward. All of my companions except me went forward to the gate as I waited along with everyone else to watch from afar.

It was one of the condition Legolas asked of me if I were about to follow him into the battle– the one I despised but had no choice but to obey. That is, to stay behind as they move to face Sauron's ambassador.

Then it came upon me.

Frodo was climbing his way up a rocky mountain, where balls of fire from Mount Doom shot up in the background of the sky. 

His clothes were tattered and dirty. He struggled to breath as he climbed, as if an invisible, great burden was placed upon his tiny shoulders. He passed out along the way, laid between the sharp rocks on the steep wasteland. Sam yelled. The mild mannered hobbit came to his friend's rescue and held him close.

The scene changed. I saw from the eagle's eyes the view just in front of the Black Gate. Our armies were many, but we were surrounded by the army of orcs that was about seven times the size of our armies. Soon our group formed a circle as the orcs surrounded us. We were outnumbered.

Now Sam was carrying Frodo on his shoulder, but the creature Gollum came into view and attacked them both. They struggled as Gollum hit Sam on the head with a rock and choked Frodo.

Later on Frodo succeeded to flee from Gollum, but he stumbled upon a rock. The hobbit groaned in pain. He struggled to get up. Though he kept on pressing, the injury on his foot slowed down his pace greatly.

The eagle's eyes zoomed in closer to the ground on the battlefield. I saw Aragorn running towards the sea of the enemy, followed by the two hobbits who screamed battle cry for Frodo. The rest of our armies then charged forward, the hobbits' boldness inspired them.

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