13. First Bath In Weeks

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Standing before us was the fairest elf I have ever laid my eyes upon, more beautiful than any elves I had ever encountered before.

She stood tall, radiating charisma and an air of mystery about her. Her alabaster, flawless skin so pale it was almost white. It reminded me a lot of a Snow Queen. Her lustrous hair cascaded down her figure like gold threads rimming her impossibly beautiful face. Her eyes crystal blue with a depth like the sea, filled with clarity, ancient wisdom, power and unparalleled intelligence.

I didn't know why, maybe it was the way she confidently carried herself, or how graceful and womanly she was, but my nerdy brain started to wander at the most inappropriate time in which I began to compare the Lady of Light with Black Widow from Marvel. Lady Galadriel had the same look in her eyes as the fictional spy, though honestly I thought even Natasha Romanoff herself won't be able to rival the elf's beauty and intelligence– not when Lady Galadriel posses a super power of her own: her mind-reading ability.

Can she hear my thoughts now? Holy shit. I just compared her to a fictional spy. And I just said bad word.

A soft laugh rang in my mind. I found Lady Galadriel's eyes trained on me, amusement twinkled in her kind eyes.

'Goheno nin, my lady,' I said in my mind apologetically, blushing furiously knowing that Lady Galadriel now knew I had a very embarassing mind.

"The Enemy knows you have entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone," said an elf beside her who I recalled as Lord Celeborn. "Nine there are here, yet ten there were set out from Rivendell." His eyes rested on us as he continued, "Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar."

I saw the fair lady of light's eyes flickered a bit before she spoke in a low, disheartened voice.

"Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land." Lady Galadriel answered and turned to Aragorn, "He has fallen into shadow."

Lord Celeborn turned to look at her with disbelief.

"He was taken by both shadow and flame," Legolas spoke, sorrow lurked behind his steady voice, "A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the nets of Moria."

"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his true purpose," she replied, her eyes found mine again and she spoke to me telepathically.

'Do not let your spirit wane, o warrior of the distant land. Your sacrifice and wise deed to let fate take its course shall indeed serve the Fellowship greatly in the end,' she said telepathically, her beautiful voice rang in my mind

'Warrior? I was a trainee in government's office in LA. How is that supposed to make me a warrior?' I thought to myself.

'All your questions will find their answers here, dear one. All in due time, and then we shall speak,' she replied to my thoughts.

I sighed at her comforting words and I thanked her in my mind. At her words, I felt a weight being lifted off of my shoulders, making me feel a little lighter. I have waited to see her for so long. If there was anyone who could give me answer, it would be Lady Galadriel herself. I hadn't really given up all hopes to find my way home, even after discovering the prophecy that doomed me to be stuck here. 

"Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dûm fill your heart, Gimli son of Glóin. For the world has grown full of peril." Gimli gazed up at her in awe and admiration. I couldn't blame him.

"And in all lands love is now mingled with grief," she aimed her words at Boromir who gasped in shock, his eyes wide with a mix of terror and grief before he looked away.

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