Bonus: Worth More Than Life Itself (One-shot)

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[Author's Note: If you see this, it means I have put link to music that helps me into mood as I write this chapter. Feel free to listen to them as you read on. Let me know what you think! Happy Reading]


[Author's Note: Leane's life as the princess of Mirkwood isn't exactly all chocolate and roses, especially during her first few years. Enjoy the adventure and a bit of fluff!]


[Legolas POV]

I looked up from my desk as Leane shifted for the fourth time tonight in her sleep. From where I was sitting in the study in our room, I could see her brows furrowed together as she shifted uncomfortably on the plush bed. Reaching down the soul bond that we shared, I felt her feä being restless–her sleep has been plagued by nightmare again.

I dropped the quill that I was holding and decided to put a pause on my paperwork. They could wait. I blew the lamp that lit up my desk and soundlessly approached our bed. I quietly climbed onto the side of my bed and slid under the covers.

Her back was to me, her shining raven hair spilled on her pillow like an ink over a piece of parchment. I absently ran my fingers in the tresses of her smooth hair before wrapping an arm around her middle. A smile made its way on my face as her faint rosy scent wafted up to my nose while I began planting small kisses on her bare arm and her cheek–it would help her sleep deeper or wake her– either way I knew she liked it.

The smile fell off my face the moment I heard a soft sob coming out of her. I hugged her tighter, letting my hand brushed against the skin of her arm lightly, sending comfort down our bond.

"Leane," I whispered to her ear.

She turned her body towards me at hearing my voice and I accommodated the space as she snuggled against me, burying her face on my shirt. I happily embraced her, planting little kisses on top of her head.

"'Tis' but a dream, my wife," I whispered softly, "Do you wish to talk about it?"

She shook her head, and I let silence hung between us as I caressed her down the bond we had. The gesture was returned with her loving caress that spread warmth into my chest, but she was reluctant to let me see what was going on inside her pretty mind. I respected it and let her be; feeling that being present alone was enough for now. But when she looked up to me with those doe eyes as dark as the night, strength suddenly left me. I gently kissed away the wetness on her cheek as I felt her hand fisted the hem of my green silk shirt.


We've been married for seven years now, yet hearing my name coming out of her sweet mouth still made butterflies flutter inside my stomach.

"My love. Tell me what I can do to make you feel better, and I will do it to you," I inquired in my native language gently as I tucked her hair behind her ear, eager to ease her troubled heart.

She need not say anything as I felt her feverish lips pressed against my own. I let her hover above me as I returned her kiss, brushing my hands against the smooth column of her neck.


[Leane POV]

Sunlight spilled past the blinds of my room as I put on the scarf around my neck to complete the look for the day. I sighed as lack of sleep had yet again formed dark circles under my eyes–one that Legolas complained about half-heartedly, for he knew he played a part in causing it too.

The memory of the way my husband touched me last night put a small smile to my face. I blushed remembering how silly my dream was last night, and how good Legolas was at chasing it away. I sent a loving caress down the bond we shared to check on him. He returned the gesture almost imediately, silently letting me know that he was down in the meeting room with his Ada and the rest of his officials.

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