22. Stay With Me

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[Author's Note: So I heard this song "Wake Up, Stay With Me" in The Resident and immediately thought of this chapter. I love how melancholic the song started and it fits. Enjoy!]


My eyes propped open as I looked at the strange ceiling above me. My body ached all over. Those bastard orcs. I looked around and found myself met with a beautiful, blonde young woman who looked at me with concern and curiosity.

"My lady, how are you feeling? My name is Eowyn. I've been looking after you for the past couple days," she said as she nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"Thank you so much, Lady Eowyn," I replied nodding my head gratefully. 

A sharp and urgent knock sounded from the door and I felt Eowyn's panic hit me like a tidal wave. Her eyes widened as she looked at me abruptly.

"My lady, you were brought here by my brother Eomer, and I am so sorry for this, but there is someone here in Edoras who wants you to be captured," she explained quickly as the knock on the door grew impatient.

"You must leave for your life. I'm truly sorry about this, I know you are injured badly," she said as she helped me up from my bed. Her fearful eyes looking down at me worriedly. She grabbed a bread and my Lothlorien cloak, which surprisingly was intact after the whole ordeal, and continued.

"Run by the door at the back. Stay unseen. A reward has been offered for you to be captured alive."

My jaw dropped in horror; I nodded quickly and took the bread and put on my cloak over the new old dress that was not mine. I moved my body in pain but managed to get to the door. I turned my head before I leave and mouthed 'thank you' before I closed the door behind me and hastily walked away with my hood on.

I walked and walked, making sure to keep a low profile, bearing each pain in my body, ignoring the fatigue I felt with each step.

I found myself in the middle of the crowd who spoke with language I didn't understood, in an area that seemed like a market. I nibbled on the bread as I walked on in no particular direction, avoiding several armored man that I came upon on my way successfully.

I was so glad I had the Lothlorien cloak with me. By now I knew it was indeed magical, for the cloak seemed to conceal me from unfriendly eyes.

The sun was almost down and the crowd seemed to reduce to return to their homes. So I opted to go to the outskirt of the city, where some trees and bushes provided some shadow for me to hide in for the night.

I clutched my cloak tighter in the dark as the wind blew and chilled me to the bone. I was shivering and lonely; never before I felt such a loneliness. I missed my friends. I missed Legolas and his warmth.

A tear trickled down my face as I looked up to the clouded night sky and I fell asleep in misery and exhaustion.

The next day I went to a nearby river and drank. I decided that being in the crowd was less conspicuous than being here alone in the outskirt of the city, so I spent the day walking and walking, ignoring my body that screamed in pain as I walked without rest. Rest was no option.

As I walked and blend in with the crowds, I thought of my companions. I knew they would eventually arrive in Edoras with Gandalf so I held on to that hope. I held on to the hope of having myself in Legolas' arms again. 

The thought of Legolas gave me strength to keep walking. I stole an apple from one of busy seller as I passed the market. My first shoplifting in my whole existence, done flawlessly. The man didn't see a thing. I smirked; I felt like a badass already.

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