Bonus: A Human Heart (Part 4)

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"So everyone at ready?" asked Uncle Ro.

"Focus on our bond with naneth and skip the memories that we won't be able to unsee especially ones involving her and ada," I summarized, snickering at ada who shook his head at me in disapproval.

"Ugh." I heard Callie muttered in disgust half heartedly. Her heart was still heavy with nana's ailment but I knew a flicker of hope arose within her.

"Let us begin."

It was probably just me, but I saw Elladan's thumb caressing Callie's hand in his, briefly, just before the twins started muttering words in ancient Elvish, and I felt a tug at my feä (spirit).

Before long, I was drowned in the sea of memories that weren't mine. It was overwhelming, then I heard Uncle Ro's voice guiding me.

Sift through all of it. Focus one at a time on the ones that are most clear to you–those are her strong memories.

I did as I told, and when I do find that one memory, it led to one after another, forming a chain of memories that could be observed either from my point of view or from naneth's herself.



A man with short and curly black hair and a pair of square glasses framing his brown, playful eyes, were smiling fondly at young Leane.

"Parfaite," he said with a funny accent.

"Parfaite," repeated Leane. Her face rounder then, indicating that she was but a teenager.

"You must feel the French, darling. It comes from the throat. Repeat after me: Parfaite," the man said dramatically whilst making an ok sign.

Leane lift up her index finger to her father for a timeout. Then she grabbed her glass of water and gurgled it, making her father chuckled. She put down the water, then straightened her shoulders and looked at him, making an ok sign. "Parfaite," she said with a heavier accent.

"Bien joué, chérie!" exclaimed her father, mirth was in his laughing eyes.

The scene changed.

Leane was sixteen now. She was eavesdropping on her parents.

Asher realized then that it was where Caladwen got her tendency for eavesdropping.

"Honey, the money from our house sale is running out soon. I need your signature so that I can cash out on Leane and Jake's college fund”, said a female with a brown hair.

Leane's father, now looked paler and somehow seemed as if a dire sickness had taken over him, took the pen from her hand, then put it on the bedside table.

"Touching that money is the last thing I want. We must have faith, Ann–"

"Look, we only have about six months worth of money left. We really should consider this," pleaded Leane's mother, "This way we can move forward with a more agressive treatment for you. You'll get on your feet soon enough to find me as much money as want," she held his chin gently, adding the last part playfully, making him chuckle.

"No, Ann. It's our kids' money. Do you even consult them?"

Leane decided to come out of her hiding. "She didn't have to," she said defending her mother. "Your well being is our number one priority, dad."

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