Bonus: The Heart of The King (One-shot)

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[Author's Note: If you see this, it means I have put link to music that helps me into mood as I write this chapter. Feel free to listen to them as you read on. Let me know what you think! Happy Reading]


[Author's Note: This is basically Leane/Thranduil fic, but noooo not in that way. There is only one ship that sail in this book and it has sailed, that is LeanexLegolas. But I thought Thrandy needs attention as well so enjoy x]


Indossa's voice filled the extravagant study room as the advisor of the king presented his analysis on the latest trade that Mirkwood dealt with a neighboring city of men. King Thranduil has his icy eyes on him; listening intently. His gaze was unfazed and unfailing, despite how boring Indossa was to him.

A surge of threat suddenly broke upon his mind's eye.

An unknown presence of magic other than the Woodland King's appeared out of nowhere in his realm. Now he wouldn't be surprised if any entity try to slither into his realm once in a while, but sensing how close the presence was, made Thranduil's heart jumped inside his chest in an unpleasant way.

The Elven King abruptly rose up from his chair, revealing his tall, intimidating stature for all his advisors to see. The muscles on his broad shoulders that were clad in rich robe of silver and ruby tensed, though the king was mostly tense his entire life for all that everyone knows. The calm in his expression betrayed the storm that is in his sharp but ancient gaze.

Indossa halted in the middle of his speech. The audience in the room held a collective breath as they looked at their king with both expectancy and a slight dread; though none of them was sure if they had somewhat caused what seemed to be a wrath boiling beneath his thousand years eyes. Waiting to be spilled like a white hot branding iron towards anyone that dared invoke the his wrath.

"Fetch me my son and his wife," he commanded in a steady and calm tone, though everyone knew the importance of his order. Thranduil dropped the meeting and walked away from the long table towards his desk where he took his sword. That simple movement alone reflected him as a graceful, some would say legendary warrior that he was. He glanced at Indossa in particular, with a gaze so cold it was almost trapping, "Seal every entrance to the castle immediately. No one comes nor leaves until I say so."

"Yes my king."

The wise advisor of the king need not clarification from his master of what had transpired. He knew that Thranduil with all his ancient powers had sensed something off in the castle. No foreign force moved in his realm without the king knowing.

Thranduil took long strides as he left his study, his steps guided not by his physical senses, but by his inner eyes, though that did not reduce the alertness in his gaze even the slightest. He walked past the elves with his chin held high, purposeful in his every graceful, long strides. At his tangible presence of wrath that the castle was so familiar with, no one dared to stop him, or get in his way. Not when he was holding his sword- By Valar, even without his sword the king was dangerous already. A group of servants bowed their heads and parted to make way for the king. Thranduil walked past them not giving them a second thought.

Contrary to his reputation, Thranduil was not as cold and unfeeling as what the outsiders often perceived. It was just now was not the right time for pleasantries. He had an intruder to deal with.

How dare they intrude into my castle? Under my nose? Thranduil hissed inwardly.

When he finally got to where his senses led him, that wrath that plagued his soul only doubled by what he found. The Elven King unsheathed his long sword with one graceful movement of his right arm. His long, graceful fingers that were adorned with expensive rings and gems gripped the hilt of the magnificent blade worthy of a king. On his right hand he held his sword up, ready for battle, as his left hand gripped the woman's right arm almost painfully.

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