10. Tentacles

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[Leane POV]

We had been walking for days now, all ten of us dragging ourselves closer to the least desirable place in Middle Earth to destroy the One Ring– Mordor. My new elven sword and daggers from my dear friends aka teachers– Elrohir and Elladan– were strapped on my hips.

How I felt like a warrior. An exhausted one, that is.

We walked non-stop for hours, no matter what terrains we were on–rough or smooth, whether it rains or snows. The only time Gandalf allowed us rest was the time for meal or to sleep.

Despite my rigorous (I think) trainings back in Rivendell, the first four days of the journey were extremely excruciating. My feet screamed in agony everytime we stopped for a break. I was extremely exhausted, and as soon as my head hit the ground at night, I would instantly pass out, skipping dinners in favor for much needed rest.

The others seemingly noticed my weariness, especially Aragorn and Legolas who constantly threw worry glances at me, but I ignored them and refused to complain. I was determined to make it through this journey just like the men around me. I reminded myself over and over again that my body was still adjusting to the long walk.

I faked it till I make it, and I was proved right as days turned into weeks. My feet grew stronger and walking for hours everyday came more natural to me now.

One time, as we sat and fed, Aragorn decided that we rest for a while longer to keep our strength. Boromir took the time to kindly teach the hobbits to fight. The lesson he gave started off serious, but eventually ended up with shenanigans caused by both hobbits that he tried to teach.

Merry squealed in surprise as he took a hit from Boromir. Suddenly Merry rose from his spot and launched himself at the Gondorian man who was much bigger than the hobbit.

"Get him!!" yelled Pippin and Merry, pinning Boromir down on the ground. The Gondorian warrior let out a breathy laugh of mirth at the hobbits' overwhelming yet feeble attacks.

Seeing the laughter on Boromir's face reminded me of a little boy who were being attacked by golden retriever puppies.

Their playful banters brought merriment to our hearts. But at a split second realization dawned on me, that the scene before us marked an important event that was going to happen soon right after this moment.

I tensed. All amusement immediately left me.

Aragorn stood up, an easy smile graced his face, "Alright. Break it up, gentlemen," he said as he tried to help Boromir up. But soon, he too fell victim to the hobbits' mischief. They yelled a battle cry as they got Aragorn off of his balance.

"FOR THE SHIRE!" they howled. "Hold him! Hold him!"

They pulled Aragorn's feet, causing the ranger to fall on his butt, caught off guard. Everybody burst out laughing in amusement; all except Legolas and me, but none of them noticed.

I silently searched the sky as Legolas got up on a rock and looked out far on the distant. His expression remained stoic, his body stilled like a statue despite the sharp, faraway gaze his blue eyes held. I put a deliberate effort to look indifferent as much as I could, intending not to change the way fate take its course.

So I waited.

Not long after that Legolas exclaimed in alarm, "Crebain from Dunland!"

"Hide!" ordered Aragorn, wide-eyed.

Everybody quickly scrambled to their feet, getting their things off of the ground and find a place to hide themselves. Suddenly everything came to a slow; and I froze in my place. Before I could gather my wits or even find a spot to hide, a pair of strong arms pulled me quickly under a bush behind a huge rock. Legolas slipped next to me as we hid from the swarming flocks of birds squawking overhead. The presence of our enemy's spies eliciting a sense of darkness behind my mind. My whole body went stiff as I waited with dread, holding my breath. Legolas put a reassuring hand on me and briefly squeezed my shoulder.

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