42. We're Not In Kansas Anymore

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"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty."

I chuckled sleepily at Legolas greeting.

"Morning, Legolas," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes sleepily. "Sleeping Beauty is overrated, don't you think? I must have drooled or make funny faces at some point in my sleep," I mumbled.

Legolas laughed heartily. "Nay, my love. You did not drool or make funny faces. Only talk in your sleep," he said cheekily.

"What did I say?" I asked curiously.

Legolas moved to open his mouth to answer, but he retreated, opting instead to watch me carefully with an unreadable expression.

Oh, no. What if I said something totally embarrassing, like something sexual? To be honest tonight I didn't remember dreaming about anything, but I once had an erotic dream about Legolas...

I felt panic washed through my being all of a sudden and I felt crimson crept up my cheeks.

Legolas arched an eyebrow in amusement as he studied me with curiosity. Then he broke out laughing so hard.

The blush stayed on my face and I frowned in annoyance as Legolas laughter took too long to cease.

Upon seeing the disapproval on my face, his laughter began to reduce to a chuckle, leaving that boyish grin on his handsome face.

"I wish I know what you are thinking right now, Leane," he said cheerfully, "For I will use whatever it is to bring the blush on your face more often. You are adorable."

He cupped my face and brushed my cheek with his thumbs. I didn't have to lower my wall to see admiration as he gazed at me. His icy blue eyes bore into mine and it was unnerving. I cast my eyes to the side, unable to meet his eyes. The previous blush went up my cheeks again.

"Look at me," Legolas said softly, his voice low.

I was stunned to see so much emotions played in his smoldering gaze. His eyes roamed all over my face, though his expression gave away nothing.

Silence hung between us before he leaned in and tilted his head to kiss me. My eyes fluttered closed in an instant I felt his soft lips on mine. The kiss was slow; he was pouring his love and emotions in it.

I felt overwhelmed with happiness and I wished I didn't ever have to leave his arms and his kisses. I had never felt more belong and right at home more than I was right now, not even back in the twenty-first century.

The thought of my previous life brought a bitter reminder of what we're fighting for in this world, right now. How Legolas would be ripped off from my arms in exactly two days.

I linked my arms behind his neck, unwilling to let him go. I felt a heat that had nothing to do with embarrassment suddenly rose to my face. A tear escaped my cheek, wetting both of our faces and got in between our intertwined lips.

Suddenly Legolas tensed and tried to pull away, but I pinned him with my arms. My fingers dug between his soft flaxen hair.

I continued kissing him, yearning to keep him here, safe and sound a little bit longer before the hours ripped him off of my grasp.

Legolas let go of his hand from my face. He pulled my hand that pinned him to me and broke the kiss.

I looked away, quickly wiped the single tear from my face. Legolas paused as he watched me. Probably confused or baffled at my sudden change of emotions.

"What is it, melleth nin?"

My mind was replaying the memory of the vision of Legolas when he died in Pelennor Fields, just outside Minas Tirith.

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