40. An Anchor

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"My eyes!" 

Leane exclaimed in horror when she stared at her reflection in the mirror. The lady that had helped her bath earlier looked at her with surprise as she helped Leane to comb her hair, but said nothing. I smiled and put a comforting hand on Leane's shoulder.

"'Tis due to your magic exertion, melleth nin. Lord Elrond said that it will fade with time as your hroa (body) regain strength," I told her, smiling down at her through the mirror.

"I look frightening, don't I?" she asked me in a small voice.

"You look beautiful still, my love," I told her smiling widely.

Indeed, she was a beauty to behold. She was wearing a light pale pink dress that was revealing her shoulder slightly. Its edge was rimmed with silver embroidery. A white tree symbol was sewn into the front of her silky dress.

However her skin still looked pale, although it was better than yesterday. I had hoped that she will look healthier in the morning, but she didn't.

I still yet had to figure out what caused her ailment.

"No wonder people were glancing at me with odd looks yesterday... I think it will be best for me to not wander around and stay in the room," she said, ignoring my compliment.

"Nonsense," I replied bluntly, "Why hide such beauty from the world when you can show them off? Besides, you promised to have breakfast with me in the dining hall, remember?"

Leane sighed and opened her mouth to object, but I shook my head.

"I will not take no for an answer. You promised," I replied stubbornly, giving her a pointed look. "Will you let me eat alone in the dining hall? I've missed your company," I added with a plea.

Leane's eyes softened and small smile tugged at her lips upon hearing my soft plea. Ever the selfless one, she finally nodded at me through the mirror. 

A pang of guilt hit me upon forcing her my way to go out unwillingly, yet I hid it well and gave her a wide grin in return. Lord Elrond had told me that confinement would make her condition worse than better. I had to keep her mind off of her own.

The servant lady cleared her throat and excused herself. I almost forgotten that she was still in the room. We thanked her and I nodded before the Gondorian lady curtsied and left.

"Shall we go too?" I grinned as I offered her my arm. "The others would be thrilled to see you."

"The others?" she asked, a blank look on her pretty face.

"Aye. Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli. The hobbits," I told her excitedly.

"They're here?" she asked flatly.

My smile faltered. The look on her face was blank at the mention of the other Fellowship members. Her eyes dulled as I saw a pained look that swam in her eyes. It worried me.

She smiled in a comforting manner as she saw my troubled face. Yet her smile didn't reach her eyes. I grabbed her neck gently to put a kiss on her lips, and startled her. She tensed briefly before relaxing and kissed me back. I was slightly disappointed to find that her lips was still as cold as yesterday.

I pulled away to look at her face, expecting to find the rosy blush that she usually had everytime I startled her with a kiss, but again, I was disappointed. 

I missed seeing those beautiful blush on her cheeks again. That moment I had made it my mission to make her blush very soon.

We walked to the dining hall, and was met with envy looks from men that passed us. Some fixed their eyes on Leane as she walked, lost in her thoughts. I clenched my jaw in anger and glared at the men who dared stare at her in shameless want. They averted their eyes and I snorted inwardly. I was contemplating the idea to just have breakfast in her room, but I knew better. 

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