51. E P I L O G U E

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It is still a little surreal to know that I managed to finish this story to the very final chapter–for real this time. I wish that you, awesome readers, loved and enjoyed the book more than anything. I wanna say this again for one last time: Thank you so much for all of you for your support and for the great feedback for the story, and most of all for reading it!

Shout out to:
for always giving me support and motivation to write, and also for all others who I can't mention one by one! Love you all! ♥️♥️♥️]



The beauty and the life of the vast, evergreen Fangorn Forest was breathtaking.

The deeper we entered the forest, the more astonished I was. It was as if I could feel the trees' feelings.

Scratch that. I really heard their feelings in my heart. It was of peace, contentment and wisdom. These trees were old, very old, and I could feel the depth of their wisdom and their experience; how they had seen countless war and peace.

One tree caught my attention; it was the biggest, the tallest, and the loudest tree around here. 

I stared in awe and admiration; it enchanted me like nothing ever did.

Legolas put his arm around my waist and smiled at me; his eyes filled with excitement at everything around us, and my expression mirrored his. 

We both gazed at the mighty tree in front of us. Our faces was like a child's face who just stared at Santa. We were left speechless with total awestruck, our minds blown.

I heard heavy footsteps came beside us and Gimli grunted, exclaiming, "Lad and lassie, I would very much like to move on if you two finished praying to the tree!" 

Me and Legolas laughed at him as Gimli rolled his eyes.

Suddenly my mind replayed back into the vision I saw in the mirror of Lady Galadriel's. My heart flooded with happiness and joy at the realization that this moment right now was one of the vision I foresaw beforehand, and that it came to pass.

I stared at Legolas who were gazing at the giant tree before us with amazement. His eyes twinkled with wonderment and his lips upturned in a smile that lit up his already glowing face.

It was so natural to see him here, in the nature, surrounded by the mighty trees and as the sunlight showered its golden ray on his form. His soft, flaxen hair glowed and formed a halo around his face.

He was beautiful, a picture of perfection, and I had never been happier in my life to witness this sight before my eyes. I sighed; I could just have a tub of popcorn and just watch him like this in all his immaculate, supermodel glory.

Legolas turned his head to see me, catching me staring at him. His smile grew wider as he tightened his arm on my waist.

"For once I can relate to the way you can sense people's emotion," he said. "I can feel the trees," he mentioned under his breath, awe was thick in his melodious voice.

"Me too, aur nin. I can feel them too."

Legolas eyes lit up at my confession. I placed a hand on his face and pulled him down for a kiss. 

Everything was perfect.

"You are perfect," he said softly as he brushed my cheek lightly with his thumb.

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