11. An Elvish Mantra

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We continued our walk in the darkness of Moria. For what seemed like a lifetime, everything was gloomy, black and white, and it affected everyone's mood. We only talked occasionally in hushed voices as we crossed the mountain from beneath, not wanting to attract any hostile attention.

It was hard to tell the time when you're walking in an endless darkness. I imagined we probably had walked for two days, but it could be more. Or it could be less. As most of us rested, I tossed and turned, shifting in hopes to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Despite my bedroll beneath me, it is still impossible to get any sleep.

Especially not with the looming darkness hovering over us, nor the possibility of us being attacked during our sleep. And most importantly, not while feeling the jagged stone floor beneath me poking my back uncomfortably.

Giving up hope of sleep and wanting to make myself useful, I offered to take the watch as the others sleep. Unfortunately, my offer was declined sternly by the men. I sighed.

Aragorn told me to try to sleep. And really I did, but I couldn't. Sleep won't come to me. By this time everyone else had mostly snored in their sleep, so I walked up to Legolas who was on the watch duty and sat next to him. He smiled at me; it was the first smile I saw from him for days and I missed it. I returned his smile with one of my own.

"Trouble sleeping, mellon nin?"

"Yeah," I said, linking my arm to his right one and his smile grew wider.

Don't be surprised. We were already this close now to the point that doing such gesture was no longer uncomfortable for both of us. He only smiled at me as we linked our arms together. I rested the side of my head on his upper arm, feeling Legolas' emotions seeped into me. He was calm and collected, though there was also alertness lurked behind his mind.

Above all, his mind was constantly guarded.

Suddenly I felt sorry for him. He had been up for days now as he offered himself to watch over us, a lot more than the others. Even though I knew elves needed less sleep than mortals do, but still. He must be exhausted.

"Just between me and you," I said, breaking the comfortable silence between us, "What about you take a few hours of sleep and I watch? I seriously can't sleep right now and I can help."

His gaze softened at me, melting my heart. There was a look of fondness in his sweet blue eyes as his gaze met mine. He must think of me like a little sister, I thought cheerily to myself, content with the idea.

But then again, he might also think of me as his great great great greaaaat grand-daughter because of how old he actually was. Him being a 2,919 year old elf literally makes him the most youthful, extremely good looking grandpa out there.

The brief wandering thought of mine was cut by Legolas' answer.

"Nay," he refused with a furrowed brows. "I will not let a lady be burdened by this job. Not as long as I am still healthy and capable doing such thing," he declared softly. I rolled my eyes at him and sighed.

"But you haven't sleep for days!" I retorted in a hushed voice as to not wake the others. "And I'm not a lady. Drop the lady," I said with fake stern face. He laughed silently.

"Elves require very little sleep. I can do this."

"Oh, come on," I groaned at his resolve.

"Thank you for worrying about me, Leane. It warms my heart that you care so about my wellbeing," he said solemnly as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ears. I blushed at his touch and he tilted his head, almost in confusion.

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