46. An Old Magic

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"What is on your mind, melleth nin?" 

Leane didn't answer me right away. I followed her gaze to the view in front of us and found nothing but the dry white tree on the stone courtyard of Minas Tirith. I touched her arm lightly and she turned her gaze at me.

A beautiful smile adorned her slightly pale face, though I was relieved to see the color returned to her skin, even only a little. My eyes found hers and I felt my heart clenched a bit to find the still glowing blue eyes staring back at me instead of her usual dark eyes that would twinkle like a star on a night sky. 

Her glowing blue eyes, a sign that I had learned to be one of vulnerability.

She had adjusted well with her power when she used it as an offensive weapon towards the enemy back on the battlefield. However it didn't prepare her enough when she used her fea (spirit) to heal Estel. The process exerted her fea even more than before. She was almost lost to me back then.

I shuddered at the thought. 

Leane was unconscious for more than a week with nobody knowing how to treat her, save for the broken ribs on her chest. Even Lord Elrond himself and the best healer in Minas Tirith were powerless to wake her from her unconscious state.

"Her fea is lost in the limbo," said Lord Elrond in a grim expression.

"Is there nothing you can do? Please help her," I begged the wise elf as I clasped Leane's hand in mine.

"It is up to her to get back to us now," said Gandalf as he put a hand on my shoulder.

My heart constricted within me. The thought of losing Leane was as equal as the end of the world. A feeling of doom lurked behind my mind.

"The best we can do now is to treat her physical injuries as best as we could. Her ribcage is broken in several places, some are puncturing her lungs. When she wakes up she will find breathing to be a laborious task to do," added Lord Elrond.

"Leane ever told me about similar thing like this before in her world about sick people who sleep for days," said Merry. "They called it a coma." 

I turned my face at the hobbit that sat across from me and questioned him. "And what became of the person in such condition?"

"Mostly they... Die," he squeaked but then he continued as a light passed his intelligent eyes. "But there are some that came back and live," he answered.

My mind worked furiously at the information. Surely there must be a way to wake her up.

"If only she is in her world right now... Maybe then we can wake her," I commented wistfully.

"If only we can get our hands on whatever medication or magic that is in her world, then maybe," agreed the lord of Rivendell dubiously.

"There is no magic in her world," said Merry and his eyes seemed to water ever so slightly as he stared her sleeping face.

"If only true love's kiss is a real magic," added Pippin, his eyes sorrowful as he looked down at Leane's sleeping form.

"True love's kiss?" asked Lord Elrond, his face tilted in curiosity at the hobbit's statement.

"Leane used to tell us bedtime stories, fairytales about princes and princesses, where one of the character would be cursed by a powerful dark magic, but then finally a true love's kiss would break the curse and wake the princess who fell under a sleeping curse," explained Merry for Pippin.

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