Chap # 38 "Where. Are. They?"

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Janet Rivera's POV

1 year later

I went into Dr. Renne office and saw him standing and reading one of the his detective books. I was glad he was back to being in charge of me, that group therapy was absolute shit. I was done with my session and quickly passed him the wedding invitation which is in a about a month. We have almost prepared everything as Bella and Valeria mentioned. The only thing that was left was the dress, I left it till the last making Bella get mad at me. I had an appointment with them today for the dress. 

"Have fun," Nathan said as he gave me a peck and I smiled at him leaving the car and walking in the elegant shop. This was quite bright as I walked in, taking easy steps up the small set of stairs, being careful.

"Hey, soon to be bride!" Bella greeted me with her little girl hanging around her neck. The girl giggled as soon as she stared at me. I beamed and qently took her in my arms.

"How's my little potato?" She giggled again as my legs started to shake a bit when she started jumping. I was still trying to stay up on my feet. It was tolerable unless I pick something heavy. Skyla was growing up real quick and was quite the healthy girl.

"Come back to Mama," I relaxed when she was back to Bella's arms, scared that I might drop her. We both walked in to find my mother and father present with Valeria looking at the dresses with the client.

"There you are, I was waiting for so long, your father won't leave me alone." I chuckled as I watched my father gave me a wave. Waving him back, I saw the way he stared at Mother. He may have trusted the wrong person and made a lot of mistakes but I know for sure he still loves her desperately wants to fix everything he have done wrong.

"You have to bear him for a while." I replied as she rolled her eyes and sat on the sofa with Bella. The client I had an appointment with greeted me and we went along our way to check out some dresses. I explained to her how I wanted my dress to be light and easy to walk in not because of my condition but because I liked it to be simple yet eye-catching. I showed a few dresses but none felt good enough. I was about to give up on yet another shop when the last dress she presented to me caught my eye. The cloth was smooth and so light, that it soothed my skin.

My parents, Bella and Valeria reaction to it was real and I felt glad about my pick. We soon departed and my mom went back to her apartment, she bought with her own money. She started working as a waitress wanting to be able to stand on her own two feet. And I was delighted about it. Nathan helped in getting her a job and from that onward she did everything in her to prove to be strong and I was proud of her. My father, on the other hand have been visiting her 4 times a week and she always slams the door on his face. She was the most betrayed and I know I won't understand but she has the right to never talk to my father. After what he did, yet I can't make myself hate him and I can't stop wanting them to be together.

Bella has decided to get married by the end of this year with her boyfriend, Ryan. He is a very cheeky and adorable guy always wanting to make everyone laugh. They were a cute family  of three with their giggles.

Me and Nathan have been going great, we finally came to the terms of having a child but we had no hope so we stopped till the wedding was over with. I was glad the preparations were almost done, it was really tiresome.

Nathan's Rivera's POV

Bachelor party

"No, No, No! I said no girls! For fuck's sake you are married Derek!" I started yelling at him while Ryan eye widened, just then two blondes sat beside us and roamed their slender arms around me making me shiver and move them away, politely. Derek laughed and hiccuped and kept drowning himself in alcohol while Ryan tried to snatch the drink away from him. The girls grabbed my crouch and I quickly stood up and took a step away from them but the girl pulled me right back on the couch. I got annoyed as I wanted to get out of here.

She clipped the first two button of my shirt and it was hard getting out of the girls manicured grip without literally pushing them away. Just as I was about to get violent, I saw Sean standing at the entrance of the private club door, glaring at me.

"Please get me out! I swear I had no idea." I quickly screamed as he rolled his eyes and walked over towards us and pulled the girl who was grinding on top of me by her arm and spoke.

"Get out, we changed the plans," The girl bit her lip and walked away with her friend as I quickly fixed myself promising to punch Derek in the morning. Ryan dragged Derek out of the club as he grumbled about ruining the party.

"Where are the girls?" He asked me as I shrugged having no idea that the girls were even going to have a party.

"Aren't they in Riley's apartment?" I asked.

"No," He replied. I started to get anxious as I realized that they went to have their own bachelor party and there might be guys included.

"I know where they are, I dropped Bella there." Ryan answered as I turned around in my sear and glared at him.

"Where. Are. They?" His eyes widened as he took a deep breath.

"They are in the hotel where Riley works." He answered as Sean quickly stepped on it. I would literally tear each guy limb by limb who dared to touch Janet.


We heard giggles as soon as we entered the room they booked, when we walked in everything shocked us beyond. There were no strippers, just the girl in their pajamas and playing cards. The room had pillows all over the room as if they had a pillow fight. Food and Alcohol was situated on the table. I took a sigh of relief as I walked over to Janet who was staring at me with confusion written all over her face.

"I thought you were having your own party?" She questioned, innocently as I grabbed her in a big hug, wanting her as close as with me.

"And that's bad luck! To meet right before the wedding, why are you all here?" Riley asked as she glared at Sean who scratched his head like a lost puppy.

"We couldn't find you in your apartment, we got worried." Riley gave a sarcastic smile and pulled Janet away from me making me groan for her touch.

"If you were worried about the strippers then don't, I am not stupid to spoil the girls." She scolded me while we all lowered our heads in embarrassment. She literally kicked us out after that and I went back to my apartment with Derek and Ryan sleeping in the guest room. I picked up my phone and tried dialing her number, wanting to hear her voice one last time.

"Nathan?" I sighed.

"Yes, my love?" She giggled, quietly.

"Why did you call me?" She asked.

"I just wanted to hear you before the wedding." I stated as I glanced over at the time. It was 2 in the morning.

"Well now you heard me," She trailed off as I chuckled.

"I will let you go off to bed now, its late." I told her as she sighed.

"Yeah, goodnight,"

"Sweet dreams,"


Hope you like it!

Only the Epilogue left, I hope you all are excited about it.

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