Chap # 34 "Let's go save your Princess."

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Hey babes,

I hope you all are doing great. Here another chap for you. 😁

Mature Content- Abuse and Violence.

Janet Rivera's POV

I vomitted the content she made me eat making her get annoyed and slap me across my face. I flinched as she tried to make me eat the vomit. I tried to push her away while she beat me up one more time.

"Fucking hell you are getting on my nerves! Eat shit for all I care." She stood up and went out of the room, slamming the door and locking it. I tried to stand up and walk towards the little sink and drank some water to get the dirty taste out of my mouth. The floor was cold and it made me shiver while the little window in the room brought the cold wind gushing in. I could finally drink some water, I didn't even have have one sip for the last 24 hours or more, I have no idea and I was on the peak of losing my life.

This place is disgusting and horrific, I cannot seem to keep myself up. I want to live, for him atleast but its hard. I keep losing myself again and again, she made me eat so that I could live and be punished for being born. As soon as I am about give up, I think about 'us' together, around little kids in the backyard of our house, laughing. A tear slipped out of my eyes as I laid on the dirty bed and covered myself with the thin, smelly cloth over my naked and cold body. I wish that vision could be real.

I closed my eyes to dream about him, atleast escape this horrid place for now. Sleeping was hard but I was finally able to fall in deep slumber. A few moments later, I heard her footsteps and then the jiggling of the keys. My body tensed as I tried to hide myself inside the cloth from this ugly and harsh truth. I didn't dare opening my eyes as I was still tired and weak

I heard some whispering but my body was too tired to even know what they were saying. I felt someone touching me, a feminine touch but I had no energy to even open my eyes. I was already half asleep, as I had no memory of what happened.

My eyes opened to find a lady watching me with her big doe eyes. She then whispered something to Seirra as I tried to cover myself.

"I need to go. I am done here." Seirra nodded her head and took out a handfull of cash handing it over to the woman. She turned to face me one last time but quickly averted her eyes and walked out of the room. I just kept my eyes on the door as Seirra stood infront of me with that grim smile.

"Well I guess, one bastard wasn't enough. You have another one hidden." I narrowed my eyebrows at her as she shook her head while chuckling.

"Oh don't give me that look, it's not like you don't know that you are pregnant." My eyes widened as I gulped and scooted away from her, wrapping my arms around my belly. If I would have known there is a child in me, I would have never ever went through that kitchen door, I would have done anything to keep it safe! How naive was I, to not know that I was pregnant? It's all my fault that I got my child into this. She or he would never be able to survive from this, after getting so much beaten up. I have no clue if the little child is alright.

My heart raced as she took a step towards me but stopped and laughed like a maniac walking towards the door making me sign in relief.

"Lets kill it another time. For now you can have a few moments with it." She slammed and the locked the door as I curled up on the bed and cried for Nathan and the child. I want to live for this child, be there for it. I want to go back to Nathan and enjoy my life with my family.

Nathan Rivera's POV

"We have been searching for 2 days now, I don't see that bitch!! Are you guys even helping me with this??" I yelled at Drake as I was getting annoyed by every second. I threw the lamp that was situated on the table and started pacing the room. My hands were shaking as I got a hold of the cigarette and lighter, I lit it and took a long puff feeling my insides get warmer.

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